Proposal for amendments in IAS, IPS and IFS (Pay) Rules, 2016: DOPT

Proposal for amendments in IAS, IPS and IFS (Pay) Rules, 2016: DOPT

Proposal for amendments in IAS (Pay) Rules, 2016, IPS (Pay) Rules, 2016 and IFS (Pay) Rules, 2016 to ensure timely submission of Immovable Property Return: DOPT

No. 11030/06/2021-AIS-II
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training

New Delhi, dated the 02nd December, 2021


The Chief Secretary,
All the State Governments,
(As per standard list).

Subject: Proposal for amendments in IAS (Pay) Rules, 2016, IPS (Pay) Rules, 2016 and IFS (Pay) Rules, 2016 -reg.

Sir / Madam,

I am directed to say that with the objective to ensure timely submission of Immovable Property Return (IPR) by AIS officers i.e. IAS, IPS and IFS, a proposal to amend the respective pay Rules viz. IAS (Pay) Rules, 2016, IPS (Pay) Rules, 2016 and IFS (Pay) Rules, 2016 by way of incorporating the following Note below the Rule 3(1) of IAS (Pay) Rules, 2016 is under consideration of the Central Government:

“Note 4: A member of the service shall mandatorily file Immovable Property Return (IPR) for the previous year within the time frame specified for the purpose, i.e. 315 January, for being considered for appointment in the next level of pay in the pay matrix.

Provided that a member of service, who has not filed the IPR for any of the year(s) prior to coming into effect of the above provision, shall mandatorily file the same within such period, as ma y be prescribed by the Central Government in this behalf. for being considered for appointment in the next level of pay in the pay matrix.”

The identical Note will also be incorporated at the appropriate places of pay rules applicable to the IPS and the IFS.

2. In this regard, the State Governments are requested to furnish comments on the proposed amendments latest by 17.12.2021. This may kindly be accorded top priority.

3. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

Yours faithfully,

(Kuldeep Chaudhary)
Under Secretary to Government of India
Tel. 23094714
Email: kuldeep[dot]parcha[at]nic[dot]in

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