6th CPC in respect of Private Sector employees: Rajya Sabha QA

Anomaly in Promotions between senior employees promoted before 31.12.2015 and junior employees promoted after 01.01.2016: Rajya Sabha QA

6th CPC in respect of Private Sector employees for calculating Variable Pay or Grade Pay included in the basic pay for calculation of DA/PF: Rajya Sabha QA



TO BE ANSWERED ON 17.03.2022



Will the Minister of Labour and Employment be pleased to state:

(a) whether Government is considering implementation of 6th Central Pay Commission (CPC) recommendations to Private Sector employees, similar to Central/State Government employees for calculating Variable Pay or Grade Pay included in the basic pay for calculation of DA/PF etc.อพ and

(b) if so, the details thereof?



(a) & (b): No, Sir. However, under the provisions of the Minimum Wages Act, 1948, both the Central and the State Governments are mandated to fix, review and revise the minimum wages of the employees employed in the scheduled employments in public and private sector under their respective jurisdictions. In order to protect the minimum wages against inflation, the Central Government revises the Variable Dearness Allowance (V.D.A) on basic rates of minimum wages every six months effective from 1st April and 1st October every year on the basis of Consumer Price Index for Industrial workers and accordingly it was last revised w.e.f. 01.10.2021. Statement showing increased rates of wages on account of revision in VDA from 01.04.2021 to 01.10.2021 is at Annexure.

Statement showing increased rates of minimum wages on account of revision of VDA from 01.04.2021 to 01.10.2021.


Name of Scheduled Employment Category of Worker Rates of wages including V.D.A per day (in Rs.)
Area-A Area-B Area-C
As on 01.04.2021 As on 01.10.2021 As on 01.04.2021 As on 01.10.2021 As on 01.04.2021 As on 01.10.2021
1. Agriculture Unskilled 411 417 375 380 372 377
Semi- Skilled/Unskilled Supervisory 449 455 413 419 379 384
Skilled/Clerical 488 495 449 455 412 418
Highly Skilled 540 547 502 509 449 455
2. Stone Mines
1. Excavation & removal of over burden with 50 meters lead/1.5 meters lift (Per 2.831 cubic meters/100 cubic feet): As on 01.04.2021 As on 01.10.2021
(a) Soft Soil 435 441
(b) Soft Soil with Rock 654 663
(c) Rock 866 878
2. Removal and Staking of rejected stones with 50 meters lead 1.5 meters lift (Per 2.831 cubic meters/100 cubic feet): 349 354
3.ย  Stone breaking or Stone Crushing for the stone size (Per truck load of 5.662 cubic meters/200 cubic feet):
(a) 1.0 inch to 1.5 inches 2666 2701
(b) Above 1.5 Inches to 3.0 Inches 2280 2310
(c) Above 3.0 Inches to 5 Inches 1338 1356
(d) Above 5.0 Inches 1099 1114
Area-A Area-B Area-C
As on 01.04.2021 As on 01.10.2021 As on 01.04.2021 As on 01.10.2021 As on 01.04.2021 As on 01.10.2021
3. Sweeping and Cleaning* Unskilled 645 654 539 546 431 437
4. Watch and Ward Without Arms 784 795 714 724 609 617
ย With Arms 853 864 784 795 714 724
5. Loading and Unloading# ย Unskilled 645 654 539 546 431 437
6. Construction^ Unskilled 645 654 539 546 431 437
Semi- Skilled/Unskilled Supervisory 714 724 609 617 505 512
Skilled/Clerical 784 795 714 724 609 617
Highly Skilled 853 864 784 795 714 724
Above Ground Below Ground
As on 01.04.2021 As on 01.10.2021 As on 01.04.2021 As on 01.10.2021
7. Non-Coal Mines$ Unskilled 431 437 539 546
Semi- Skilled/Unskilled Supervisory 539 546 645 654
Skilled/Clerical 645 654 752 762
ย Highly Skilled 752 762 840 851

*Employees engaged in the employment of Sweeping and Cleaning excluding Activities prohibited under the Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) Act, 1993.
#Employees engaged in the employment of Loading and Unloading in (i) Goods Sheds, Parcel Offices of Railways;
(ii) Other Goods Sheds, Godowns, Warehouses and other similar employments; (iii) Docks and Ports; and (iv) Passengers Goods and Cargo Carried out at Airports (Both International and Domestic).
^Employees engaged in the employment of construction or maintenance of Roads or Runways or in Building Operations including laying down Underground Electric, Wireless, Radio, Television, Telephone, Telegraph and Overseas Communication Cables and similar other Underground Cabling Work, Electric Lines, Water Supply Lines and Sewerage Pipe Lines.
$Employees engaged in the employment of Gypsum Mines, Barytes Mines, Bauxite Mines, Manganese Mines, China Clay Mines, Kyanite Mines, Copper Mines, Clay Mines, Magnesite Mines, White Clay Mines, Stone Mines, Steatite Mines (including the mines producing Soap Stones and Talc), Ochre Mines, Asbestos Mines, Fire Clay Mines, Chromite Mines, Quartzite Mines, Quartz Mines, Silica Mines, Graphite Mines, Felspar Mines, Laterite Mines, Dolomite Mines, Red Oxide Mines, Wolfram Mines, Iron Ore Mines, Granite Mines, Rock Phosphate Mines, Hematite Mines, Marble and Calcite Mines, Uranium Mines, Mica Mines, Lignite Mines, Gravel Mines, Slate and Magnetite Mines.

Source: Rajya Sabha

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