Waiver of recovery on account of withdrawal of 3rd MACP in the GP of Rs.6600/- granted to various officers

Waiver of recovery on account of withdrawal of 3rd MACP in the GP of Rs.6600/- granted to various officers: CBIC
IF. No. A-26017/04/2022-Ad.HA
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs
North Block. New Delhi
Date: 24 January, 2022
All CGST & Central Excise/Customs Zones/Directorates
Under CBIC
Subject: Waiver of recovery on account of withdrawal of 3rd MACP in the GP of Rs.6600/- granted to various officers – Reg.
I am directed to say that the Board has been receiving proposals from different Zones regarding waiver of recovery on account of withdrawal of 3 MACP in the GP of Rs.6600/-. One such proposal was forwarded to Department of Expenditure. Department of Expenditure, vide ID No. 09(01)/2019-E.I(A) dated 26.11.2021 (copy enclosed) has requested to send a consolidated proposal for all such officers/officials of CGST & Central Excise/Customs Zones/Directorates under CBIC, for consideration of overpayment made due to overlapping DOP&T’s instructions dated 05.05.2015 and 02.06.2016.
2. Therefore, it is requested to submit consolidated proposals in this regard in respect of all officers in your Zone whose cases fall under the purview of DOP&T O.M. No. 18/03/2015 dated 02.03.2016 for obtaining express approval of Department of Expenditure.
3, It is also requested to submit the consolidated proposals in a soft copy at the email id- avneesnpratap.singh[at]gov.in along with hard copy containing consolidated service details i.e. date of joining with designation and pay scale, promotions granted with posts/pay scales, grant of NFU/financial upgradations/ACP/MACP, date of superannuation etc, all pay fixation orders including revised pay fixation order. if any. calculation sheets indicating the total recovery made due to wrong fixation of pay and other relevant documentary evidences on the matter in respect of each individual officer at the earliest.
4. In addition to above, kindly furnish the following information along with your consolidated proposal:
(i) details of responsibility fixed on the erring staff accountable for lapse, if any.
(ii) please indicate whether there is any nature of hardship in the recovery.
(iii) how and when the wrong fixation came into light.
(iv) Certificate that the loss does not disclose a defect in rules or procedure,. the amendment of which requires the orders of the higher authority or this Ministry and that there has not been any serious negligence on the part of any Government servant which may call for disciplinary action by a higher authority.
Encl: As above.
Yours faithfully,
(Avneesh Pratap Singh)
Under Secretary to the Government of India /
Tel. No. 011-23095528
2444547/2021/Ad-IIA Section
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
E.I(A) Branch
Reference: Note 13 to 19 of D/o Revenue’s Electronic File No. A26017/32/2019-Ad.IIA (300416799)
Department of Revenue may refer to their proposal seeking approval of this Department for waiver of recovery of excess pay and allowances of Rs.16,83,284/- made to 8 retired Assistant Commissioners of CGST, Chandigarh Zone, consequent to wrongful grant of financial upgradation.
2. The proposal has been examined. It is stated that this Department has received multiple proposals from D/o Revenue wherein overpayments to the Officials have been made due to overlapping DoP&T’s instructions dated 05.05.2015 and 02.06.2016. In view of this, DoR is requested to send a consolidated proposal for all such officers for consideration of waiver of overpayment as a result of withdrawal MACP based on DoP&T’s guidelines dated 02.06.2016, with the approval of Revenue Secretary.
(Sunil Kumar)
Under Secretary, E.II(A)
AS&FA (Finance), D/o Revenue
M/o Finance (D/o Exp.) 1.D. No.09(01)/2019-E.1I(A) Dated 26.11.2021