Third MACP to CPWD Engineers

CPWD has granted third MACP to its employees on completion of 30 years of regular service from initial appointment in the grade of Junior Engineer (Civil & Elect.),





Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi

Dated the 22.11.2012

OFFICE ORDER No. 306 of 2012

   Consequent upon the introduction of MACP scheme in the Department and on completion of 30 years of regular service from initial appointment in the grade of Junior Engineer (Civil & Elect.), the President of India is pleased to grant the 3rd financial up gradation in the grade pay of Rs. 7600/- (Pay Band-3) under MACP scheme to the Executive Engineers/Assistant Engineers (Civil & Elect.) as per list enclosed at Annexure I & II with effect from the date mentioned against their name.

   2. In case, any of the officers in the enclosed list has taken Voluntary retirement, resigned or expired, on or before 01.09.2008 i.e the date of MACP becomes effective, the financial up gradation may not be given to them by Controlling Officers. Before financial benefit is given, it may be ensured that no charge-sheet is pending against them / no penalty has been awarded to them on the date of granting the 3rd financial up gradation. In such an event, the fact may be brought to the notice of this Directorate immediately for a decision.

   3. Further action ma be taken by the controlling Officer for financial up gradation in terms of Department of Personnel & Training O.M. No.35034/3/2008 Estt.(D) dated 19.5.2009.

   4. On up gradation under MACP Scheme, pay of an employee shall be fixed under the provisions of FR-22( I )(a)( I). The financial benefit allowed under MACP scheme shall be final and no pay fIxation benefit shall accrue at the time of regular promotion. In other words, up gradation under MACP Scheme shall be treated as par with regular promotion in so far as pay fixation is concerned. Therefore, the option of pay fixation in the next higher grade based on the date of increment in the lower grade of pay may also be allowed. This fact may please be brought to the notice of all the officers concerned who may like to exercise such an option.

   5. All Concerned officers, who are being 3rd financial up-gradation under MACP Scheme, before any up-gradation is given, shall give an undertaking that they will refund the amount so paid, if any changes are made by Govt. in MACP Scheme and if due to such changes, recovery becomes due.

Encl:- Annexure I & II


(Suresh Chandra)

Deputy Director (Admn.)

Download CPWD order dated 22.11.2012 for granting MACP to Engineers who have completed 30 years of service

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