Launch of “National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal”

Launch of “National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal” by Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) for reporting all types of cyber crimes
18, Institutional Area, S.J. Marg, New Delhi-110016.
File No. 11-Acad029(Misc)/57/2020-Academic/774-806
Dated: 22-06-2022
केन्द्रीय विद्यालय संगठन,
सभी क्षेत्रीय कार्यालय/ZIETs
Sub.:- Launch of “National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal” — Reg.
महोदया/ महोदय,
This is to inform that Ministry of Home Affairs has launched “National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal” for reporting all types of cyber crimes, especially cyber crimes against women and children. The steps taken by the Central Government in this regard to spread awareness on prevention of cyber crime is enclosed.
It is requested to circulate above mentioned letter with content in all Kendriya Vidyalayas under your jurisdiction for mass awareness among students, teachers and all stakeholders with wide publicity on websites of KVs.
Your faithfully,
(Pallavi Sharma )
Deputy Commissioner (Trg./EDP)
Encl: As above.
Copy for information to:-
- The Joint Commissioner (Trg./IT) KVS Hq New Delhi.
- The Section Officer (UT.2) Ministry of Education, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi.
- Website of KVS/Notice Board/ e-office portal.
Steps taken by the Central Government to spread awareness on prevention Cyber crime
- MHA’s has launched ‘@CyberDost’ twitter handle to spread awareness on
cybercrime prevention and tweeted over 1066 cyber safety tips through short videos images and creatives. It has more than 3.64 lakh followers. - Radio campaign.
- Sent more than 100 crore SMSs on cybercrime awareness to public.
- Publicity at regular interval on prevention of cyber crime and cyber safety tips through various Videos/GIFs initiated on various platforms as under:
Twitter Facebook Instagram Telegram - MyGov has been engaged by the 14C for the publicity on the topic of prevention of cyber crimes through multiple mediums.
- Published ‘Handbook for adolescents/students on cyber safety’.
- Published ‘Information Security Best practices’ for the benefit of Government Officials.
- Organized of Cyber Safety and Security Awareness weeks through the C-DAC in association with Police Department in different States.
- 148 Cyber Crimes Advisories have been shared by the 14C with States/UTs Ministries/Departments as a preventive measure.
- Issued alerts/advisories to States/UTs from time to time.
- Delhi Metro has been requested to publicize the National Cyber Crime Reporting Portal and National Toll-Free Helpline Number 1930″.
- Two bilingual Manuals on “Cyber Hygiene for Cyber Space – Do’s and Don’ts” (Basis and Advanced version) released in January, 2022 to provide basic cyber hygiene regarding internet safety, email, mobile safety, etc.
- States/UTs have been requested by the MHA to organize “Cyber Jaagrookta Diwas” on first Wednesday of every month at 11 am on cyber hygiene commencing from 6th October’ 2021 (Wednesday) onwards and launch mass awareness campaign in vernacular languages for all schools/colleges. Also requested to prepare ‘Annual Action Plan’ in this regard.
- The Ministry of Education has been requested to commence Curriculum in cyber security and cyber hygiene from 6th to 12th standards for all the streams, so as to provide basic awareness to all students in schools for all CBSE schools at Central/State/UT level.
- Quarterly Newsletter of 14C (1st and 2nd Edition) launched in January, 2022 to share information to counter the menace of cyber crime to Law Enforcement Agencies and Policymakers. The Newsletter comprises of latest cyber crimes trends, cyber crime statistics, National/International developments relating to prevention of cyber crimes, etc.