KVS PRT & TGT Interview list 2019 Declared

KVS PRT & TGT Interview list 2019 Declared; Check at kvsangathan.nic.in
The Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) has released the list of the candidates who are shortlisted for the interview for the post of PRT and TGT, on KVS official website- kvsangathan.nic.in. The TGT list of Interview is for the subject teachers of – Hindi, English, Sanskrit, Science, Maths and Social Studies. The Interview for the PRT’s is to be conducted from February 25-27, 2019. While the Interview for the TGT will begin from February 14, 2019 and conclude on February 21, 2019. KVS has already released the list of shortlisted candidates for the PGT’s and TGT’s (Misc.Category) on January 24, 2019.
Click here to download the list of candidates shortlisted for interview for the post of PRT in KVS
Click here to download the list of candidates shortlisted for interview for the post of TGT in KVS
How to download KVS PRT & TGT Interview list 2019?
Visit the official website, kvsangathan.nic.in
On the homepage, click on the link, “KVS PRT & TGT Interview list 2019”
A pdf file will open containing KVS PRT & TGT Interview list 2019
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