Directions to KVS employees directly corresponding with Ministry

Modalities for taking medical treatment by KVS Employees under CS(MA)/CGHS Rules

KVS Circular on Administrative directions to KVS employees regarding direct correspondence with Ministry in the case of grievances.

Kendriya Vidyala has issued circular stating KVS employees should not submit their grievances to HRD Ministry directly.

KVS instructs its employees not to represent directly to Ministry


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The Deputy Commissioner

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan

All Regional Offices/ZIET

Subject: Administrative directions to KVS employees regarding direct correspondence with Ministry.


It has been reported that very often the employees of Regional Offices and Kendriya Vidyalayas send representations/letters, related to various grievances, directly to authorities of Min. of HRD including Secretary, School Education & Literacy (in some cases even by name) whereas the issues raised in the representations/letters are related to their service matters and should have been addressed to KVS authorities, as a number of grievance redressal mechanisms are in place in KVS- the latest being the monthly- ‘Shikayat Nivaran Diwas’ at Regional Level.

You are, therefore, directed to instruct all the employees of Regional Office/ZIET and Kendriya Vidyalayas under your jurisdiction not to correspond directly with Department of School Education & Literacy, Ministry of HRD as the department is not supposed to entertain direct communications/ representations/letters from individual employees of KVS.

Any violation of the above instruction, if noticed/reported in future, will be viewed seriously and action as deemed fit may be taken against erring employees .

Yours faithfully,

(G.K. Srivastava)

Additional Commissioner(Admn.)

Download KVS Circular F.No.11044/15-6-94/PPL/2012-KVS(Estt.I) dated 27.05.2016