KV students to present books to next batch students to save environment

Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan has issued instructions for Reuse of Children’s books in the school for next batch of students as measure for saving environment
18, Institutional  Area,  Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg
New Delhi 110 016
Date:Â Â 12.02.2016
Deputy Commissioner,
All Regional Offices
Sub:  Reuse of  children’s  books  in  the  school  –  a  way  of saving  paper  and  addressing the environmental concerns -reg.
Respecting nature and living in harmony with the environment  is the major global requirement  now for the sustenance of life on this earth. “Reduce,  Reuse and Recycle” is a powerful  and practical mantra towards this end.  As we are aware, thousands  of trees are being felled for paper production  every year and being in the education sector, our schools  make a good use of paper every day.  If we can reduce the use of paper by way of its reuse in our schools, we would be contributing  greatly to the saving of paper at the national level.
With a view to achieve the above goal, necessary  instruction may be issued to the Principals, such as:
1.    Students of all classes should be sensitized from the beginning of the session itself to take good care of their text books and preserve them in good condition so that they may be used by other students also.
2.   All the students  may be encouraged  to present their used text books at the end of the academic  year to the students  of the next batch.  A function  named  ‘Green Day’ may be organized  where students can volunteer  to hand  over  the  used  books  to the  next batch of students.  Such  students  may be awarded a certificate for environmental  awareness  (Green Crusader’s Certificate).
3.    The Principal of the school  shall make necessary  arrangement for facilitating  the entire exercise  by appointing a teacher co-ordinator for each class (for all sections) who will also maintain a record of the entire exercise (Format enclosed).
4.   Students may also be encouraged  to gift other books like novels,  non-fiction  etc from their personal possession if they do not use them any more so as to encourage reading habit among their peers.
These  instructions would come  into  force  from  the  next academic session  i.e.,  2016-17.  However, awareness can be created among our students from now. It may be noted that it would be purely a voluntary decision  on the part of the  students  and parents  to gift and accept  the books  and no forceful  enforcement should be made in any school.
Yours faithfully,
(Santosh Kumar)
Kendriya  Vidyalaya  Sangathan
Reuse  of children’s  books in the  school  for  Session  2016-17
Name of Kendriya Vidyalaya: Â ———————————.—–
Class & Section:————————Name of Class Teacher——————–
Details of Gifted Books | Details of Books Received | ||||||||
S No | Name of Gifted by student) |  Number of books  gifted | Date of  submission | Subject/  Title | Received by (Name of  student) |
 Number of books  received | Date of receipt | Subject/  Title |  Remark (condition  of receipt       books) |
Click to view Kendriya Vidyalaya Circular 11025/40/2015/KVS(Hq)/Library/1084 Dated 12.02.2016