Armed forces Education Directorate can recommend KV school admission

Similar to its decision to accommodate recommendations for 6 students per year made by each Member of Parliament (MP) Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangthen (KVS) has taken decision to consider the recommendation / reference made by Directorate of Education of Armed forces also.

Read here the decision of KVS to consider the recommendations of MP for 6 students per year

Each Directorate of Education of Armed Forces i.e. Army, Air Force and Navy can refer two cases for admission in an academic year. The Directorate of Education of Armed Forces i.e. Army, Air Force and Navy can recommend two names for admission of wards of Defence Personnels who are otherwise eligible for admission, in Kendriya Vidyalayas located in Defence Sector

To maintain level playing field for other students, the admissions under recommendations of Armed forces Education Directorates will be over and above the regular strength of the class.

This recommendation has to be forwarded in the prescribed format communicated to all Directorate of Education of Armed forces by Head Quarters of KV.

The full text of Office Memorandum of KVS F. 110331/07/2012/KVSHQ/Sp. Disp. Adm./Armed Forces dated 13.08.2012 is as follows.

F. 110331/07/2012/KVSHQ/Sp. Disp. Adm./Armed Forces

Dated: 13-08-2012


Subject: New Scheme for Special Dispensation Admission in Kendriya Vidyalayas.

Consequent upon the approval of the Board of Governors of KVS in the 93rd meeting held on 12th July 2012, the Scheme of Special Dispensation Admission for Directorate of Education of Armed Forces i.e. Army, Air Force and Navy for recommending names for admission in Kendriya Vidyalayas comes into vogue with immediate effect with the following features:

i) Each Directorate of Education of Armed Forces i.e. Army, Air Force and Navy can refer 02 cases for admission in an academic year. The Directorate of Education of Armed Forces i.e. Army, Air Force and Navy can recommend 02 names for admission of wards of Defence Personnels who are otherwise eligible for admission, in Kendriya Vidyalayas located in Defence Sector.

ii) These admissions shall be over and above the class strength

iii) The recommendations would be made for all classes except pre-primary and classes X and XII.

iv) The admissions would be made at the beginning of the academic year and no admission would be allowed after the prescribed cut off date (i.e. 31st July) of the year.

v) The recommendations to be made shall be valid only if these are made in the prescribed format provided to each Directorate of Education of Armed Forces i.e. Army, Air Force and Navy by KVS(HQ). Recommendations sent in any other format/manner shall not be considered.

vi) The children recommended by Directorate of Education of Armed Forces i.e. Army, Air Force and Navy must be otherwise eligible for admission as per the extent KVS Admission Guidelines.



(Avinash Dikshit)


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