Incomplete DPC proposals from the Ministries

The Department of Personnel and Training in its Office Memorandum No. 2201 119198-Estt(D) dated September 8, 1998 has prescribed a Model Calendar for DPCs in order to ensure that DPCs are convened in advance and approved.  All Ministries/Departments were also requested for strict compliance of the instructions so as to achieve the desired objectives of timely convening of DPCs and selection of panels within the prescribed time-frame.

The Model Calendar for DPCs as laid down in DoPT's guidelines makes it obligatory on the part of Ministries and Departments to send DPC cases to the UPSC by 15th July (for financial year based vacancies) and 15th April (for calendar year based vacancies) of the year preceding the vacancy year.

Despite repeated communications to this effect, these instructions are not being followed by the Ministries/Departments in majority of cases. Delay in holding the DPCs not only affect the manpower planning in various Ministries  and Departments but also impedes the career progression across the board and is the main reason for litigation before CAT and various High Courts.

The UPSC has recently brought this non-satisfactory position to the notice of this Department. The UPSC has since stopped accepting incomplete proposals w.e.f. 01.08.2010 and have introduced a new procedure under the 'Single Window System' whereby Ministries and Departments are now required to bring their proposals by hand which are scrutinized on the spot by the designated officer of the UPSC.

Accordingly, all the Ministries/Departments are requested to send their DPC proposal in future in accordance with the revised Checklist.

For more details on this topic download Office Memorandum No. 22011/3/2011-Estt(D) dated 24.03.2011

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