Frequently Asked Questions on Flexible Complementing Scheme
These are Frequently Asked Questions compiled by DOPT, which are relating to Flexible Complementing Scheme
Point of doubt | Clarification |
Q1. What is Flexible Complimenting Scheme (FCS)? | Ans: FCS is an in-situ promotion scheme for scientists for which the criteria shall be proven merit and records of research. FCS as modified after 6th CPC recommendations is governed by DOPT OM No. AB 14017/37/2008-Estt. (RR) dated 10.09.2010. |
Q2. What are the guidelines on FCS issued by DOPT | Ans: DOPT after 5th,CPC issued comprehensive instructions on FCS in OM No.2/41/97-PIC dated 9.11.98. These have been further reviewed in the light of 6th CPC instructions and modified FCS guidelines issued in OM NO. AB 14017/37/2008-Estt.(RR) dated l0th September, 2010 |
Q3. To whom the instructions are applicable? | Ans: FCS is applicable to scientists and technologists holding Group A scientific posts in scientific and technology departments and who are engaged in scientific activities and services. |
Q4. What are the qualifications covered under FCS? | Ans: Master’s degree in Natural/Agricultural Sciences or Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering/Technology/Medicine. |
Q5. Whether qualifications MCA, M.Sc.(IT), M.Sc.(Statistics), M.Sc.(Mathematics),M.A.(Operational Research) and M.Sc.(Total Quality Management) are covered under FCS? | Ans: No. |
Q6. From when the modified FCS after 6th CPC shall be applicable? | Ans: Assessment of Scientists from 01.01.2011 shall be done as per modified FCS after 6th CPC. |
Q7. Whether promotion cases of Scientists becoming due w.e.f. 1.1.2011 may be processed as before or amend the RRs according to the latest guidelines. | Ans: The RRs are required to be amended as per the instructions. |
Q8. What is the date of effect of MACP scheme for scientists under FCS ? | Ans: 10.09.2010 when the revised instructions have been issued. |
Q9. Whether the benefit of MACP shall be admissible if the officers could not be assessed for promotion under FCS due to various reasons viz. non-convening of assessment Boards on time, RRs becoming inoperative, etc. | Ans: If Scientists have not got promotion under FCS, for whatever reasons, they shall be eligible for financial upgradation under the MACP scheme. The benefits shall be from 10.09.2010 when the revised FCS instructions have been issued |
Q10. Whether the Scientists who are “screened-in” will have to appear for the interview in the second stage of screening /assessment under Modified FCS after 6th CPC? | Ans: The interview of the scientists as per OM dated 9.11.98 in the second level of screening shall continue under the revised assessment procedure for FCS issued in OM dated 10.9.2010. |
Q11. What would be the role of ACRs/APARs in promotion of Scientists under Modified FCS? | Ans: ACR/APAR grading shall be taken into account for the purpose of screening the Scientists at Level I. |
Q12. Will there be any weightage of ACRs/APARs in terms of marks in promotion of Scientists under MFCS? | Ans: In Annexure I of guidelines dated 10.9.10, it has been clearly indicated that the Scientists who meet the benchmark of `Good’ for Scientists C and `Very Good’ for Scientists `D’ and above would be screened in. |
Q13. What is the procedure to be followed for assessment, considering the specific role of ACRs/APARs, Annual Work Report and interview? | Ans: The ACR/APAR grading shall be taken into account for the purpose of screening the Scientists for Level II Screening. The Annual Work Report is to capture the scientific content of work performance. The Assessment Board is required to examine the specific content of the work done justifying the merit for consideration under FCS. The procedure to be followed has been detailed in Annexure I of OM dated 10.09.10. |
Q14. Whether the Benchmark of “Good”/ “Very Good” is based on relevant period of AWRs for the same period? | Ans: For the purpose of screening the benchmarking shall be based on ACRs/APARs of the relevant period |
Q15. Whether the procedure of assessment by the DPRC shall continue as before? | Ans: For promotion of Scientists to the grade of Scientist `F’ and `G’, the procedure of assessment by the DPRC shall continue as before. |
Q16. The stipulation in Part C of the Annual Work Report can be applied among the Scientists working in the same peer group which has a fairly large number of Scientists. How this can be applied when there could be a single or only 2-3 scientists working on a particular project or when scientists are working on different projects? |
Ans: Part C of the Annual work Report shall consist of the internal Peer assessment even if the number of scientists being considered is single or only small number. For this purpose while the grading may not be possible, the entries on innovative content of the work done, highlights of the S&T content of the work done, etc. shall be considered. |
Q17. Whether the Ministries/ Departments can have a common format for APAR? | Ans: In Annexure I to the OM dated 10.9.2010 it is prescribed that the new format on Annual Work Report will not replace the regular system of recording ACR/APAR and would be filled up by the officer. As such the format for the ACR/APAR shall be as prescribed by DOPT from time to time. |
Q18. Whether the autonomous institutes can modify the ACR format to suit their specific requirements/job profiles. If so whether before doing so, consultation with the administrative Ministry/DOPT is necessary |
Ans: The organizations where FCS is applicable as per scheme of DOPT shall follow the instructions accordingly. For major deviations from the guidelines reference to DOPT with full justification shall be necessary |
Dear Sir,
Is there any promotional scheam formulated for Group B non gazzetted Scientists who have done a lot of research and case study and aquired Ph D during service ?