Family pension to childless widow after her remarriage

Consequent upon implementation of sixth pay commission report, government had revised the pension, family pension, gratuity and commutation of pension, ex-gratia lumpsum compensation etc. in the O.M No: 38/37/08- P&PW(A) dated 2.9.2008.

As per the provisions of Para 8.6 of the O.M, the childless widow of a deceased Government employee shall continue to be paid family pension even after her remarriage subject to the condition that the family pension shall cease once her independent income from all other sources becomes equal to or higher than the minimum prescribed for family pension in the Central Government.

Doubts were raised in this regard to the extent that the provisions of this Department O.M dated 2.9.2008 do not adequately take care of cases wherein death of the employee took place prior to 1.1.2006 and the childless widow of the deceased employee got remarried before/on or after 1.1.2006.

In this connection, DOPT in consultation with Department of Expenditure has clarified that the childless widow of a deceased Central Government employee who had expired before 1.1.2006, shall be eligible for family pension in the light of 6th CPC recommendations irrespective of the fact that the remarriage of the widow had taken place prior to/on or after 1.1.2006. The financial benefits in such cases, however, will accrue from 1.1.2006. this however, would be subject to the fulfillment of certain conditions laid down therein, including the income criterion that the income of the widow from all sources does not become equal to or higher than the minimum prescribed for family pension in the Central Government.

For more details download this Office Memorandum No: 1/4/2011 P&PW(E) dated 1.04.2011

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