SPARROW for CSS Officers – Online Recording of APAR

DoPT Introduced Sparrow for CSS officers – Online recording of APARs – Request for nomination of Officers for execution
Department of Personnel & Training has introduced a new software viz SPARROW and request nomination from Departments/Ministries for execution.
F No. 22/10/2015-CS-I (APAR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
2nd Floor, A Wing, Lok Nayak Bhawan, Khan Market
New Delhi, dated the 8th April, 2016
Subject: Introduction of Sparrow for CSS officers.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s OM. of even number dated 1st April, 2016 regarding steps to be taken for making online recording of APARs of CSS officers functional. All the Ministries/Departments were requested to nominate officers to perform the roles of (i) Custodian/Nodal Officer (ii) Alternative Custodian (iii) PAR Manager and (iv) EMD Manager. The information as per Annexure attached to the OM dated 01.04.2016 was required to be sent to NIC by email by 6th April, 2016.
2. It is observed that still a large no. of Ministries/Departments have not taken steps to intimate the names and other particulars of their Custodian and PAR Managers to NIC. It is requested that the same may please be done at the earliest.
3. In addition, details in respect of the individual officers are also to be provided to NIC in the attached proforma (Annexure). The information may be provided to NIC by 13th April, 2016 positively and a copy may be endorsed to the undersigned by email only at [email protected].
(Chandra Shekhar)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Download DoPT OM F No. 22/10/2015-CS-I (APAR) dated 08.04.2016
F No.22/10/2015-CS-I (APAR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(CS -1 (APAR)
3rd Floor. A Wing. Lok Nayak Baawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi
Dated 1st April. 2016
Subject: Introduction of Sparrow for CSS officers.
The undersigned is directed to refer to DO No.22/10/2015-CS.I(APAR) dated 25th February. 2016 from Smt. Archana Verma. Joint Secretary. Indicated in the said letter was a decision to introduce online recording of APAR for CSS officers. In the first phase. the software is to be made operational for Deputy Secretary and above level officers of CSS w.e.f. 1st April. 2016.
2. NIC has informed that the website enabling online filing of APAR for CSS officers has been made live and is accessible through
3. Ministries/Departments are required to nominate following four functionaries for managing ofthe online filing of APARs:
(i) Custodian (Nodal Officer) : A person authorized to sign Section I of the APAR and overall responsible for complete APAR management in the Ministry/Department.
(ii) Custodian (Alternative Functionary) : A person who performs the role of Custodian in absence of primary Custodian.
(iii) PAR Manager : A person responsible for creating hierarchical workflow in the software for the purpose of recording of APARs of the officers working in that Ministry/Department.
(iv) Employee Master Data (EMD) Manager : A person responsible for managing data and also its correctness in respect of individual employees.
4. In smaller Ministries. however. all the four roles may be distributed between two functionaries, namely. Primary Custodian and EMD Manager. However. in case of large Ministries, it is advised that the above mentioned roles should be assigned amongst four officers.
5. Ministries/Departments are requested to nominate officers to perform the roles as above and provide the information in respect of officers nominated in the enclosed proforma to the following persons of NIC at the given e-mail address:
1. Shri Manu Garg. PSA
Telephone No. 23040281
Mobile No. 9868500465
Email Id : [email protected]
2. Shri B. Ravi Kumar, TD.
Telephone No. 23040399
Email Id. manugarg@nicin
6. This information may be provided to them by 6th April. 2016 without fail and a copy may be endorsed to Shri Chandra Shekhar. Under Secretary CS( S) by e-mail only at [email protected].
7. After receipt of information from individual Ministries/Departments. NIC shall be assigning role to these officers and after such assignment, the officers posted at Ministries/Departments could start using the software for online filing of APARs.
8. It is reiterated that all the nominated officers and user officers must have an NIC mail ID and DSC for using the software as has already been mentioned in the previous communications.
9. Training would be organized for the Nodal Officers as well as user officers after the role assignment is completed by NIC. The dates of training would be intimated separately.
10. A Help desk for assisting nodal officer and also users is being set up and particulars would be made available shortly.
Downoad DoPT OM F No.22/10/2015-CS-I (APAR) dated 01.04.2016