Issue/transfer of CGHS Cards on CGHS station – PCDA

Serving employees on transfer from one CGHS city to another CGHS city are required to be transfer of their CGHS cards on CGHS station: PCDA
Principal Controller of Defence Accounts (Central Command) Cariappa Road, Lucknow Cantt.— 226002
Most important circular
AN/V/CGHS Cir/713/2021
The Officer Incharge
All Sections of Main Office
All PAOs under PCDA (CC)
RTC, Lucknow
IFA (CC), Lucknow, IFA (AF), Kanpur
Sub: Issue/transfer of CGHS Cards on CGHS station.
Please refer to Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India O.M. no:- S- 6252/2003-2004-R&H/CGHS/CGHS(P) dated-15/06/2004. In this context, all ministries and Departments have been requested to ensure that all such government servants who are contributing towards the CGHS are issued with CGHS cards.
During the course of audit of medical bills, it is seen that some officials posted at CGHS station are not applied for CGHS card and submitting their claim without supporting of CGHS cards.
Further, it is also observed that some officials are not applying for transfer of CGHS cards on their transfer from one CGHS city to another CGHS city whereas Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India vide their letter no-215025/108/2017/DIR/CGHS/EHS dated-17/01/2018 has stated that serving employees on transfer from one CGHS city to another CGHS city are required to be transfer of their CGHS cards.
The context of the circular may please be disseminated among all officials for strict compliance.
Joint CDA has seen.
Accounts Officer (AN-5)