Simplification of Referral System Under CGHS – MoHFW OM

Withdrawal of SSNMC Super Specialty Hospital from list of Empaneled HCOs under CGHS Bengaluru

Ministry’s Clarification of the guidelines issued regarding simplification of referral system under CGHS.

Z 15025/64/2018/DIR/CGHS
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare

545-A Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 18 July, 2018


Sub: Clarification of the guidelines issued regarding simplification of referral system under CGHS

With reference to the above mentioned subject the undersigned is directed to draw attention to the guidelines issued vide Office Memoranda Z 15025/105/2017/DIR/CGHS dt. 09/11/2017 and Z 15025/117/2017/DIR/CGHS dt. 15/01/2018 and to state that complaints have been received that some of the Hospitals and diagnostic centres empanelled under CGHS are insisting on a permission letter. It is therefore, once again reiterated that once a specific listed treatment procedure / investigation has been advised by Govt. Specialist /CGHS Medical Officer , no other permission letter is required and the hospitals and diagnostic centres shall not insist on permission letter.

Such treatments / investigations shall be provided on cashless basis in respect of pensioners, ex-MPs, Freedom Fighters , Hon’ble Members of Parliament (Rajya Sabha) and Hon’ble Members of Parliament (Lok Sabha) and other categories of CGHS beneficiaries , who are presently eligible for credit facility and the empanelled Hospitals and diagnostic centres shall not ask for any permission letter separately.

[Dr Atul Prakash]

Read/Download Department of Health & Family Welfare OM Z 15025/64/2018/DIR/CGHS Dated 18th July 2018.