Revision of CGHS rates for Cardiology Procedures, inclusion of 2 new procedures and revision of Rates of PET CT Scan

Revision of CGHS rates for Cardiology Procedures, inclusion of 2 new procedures and revision of Rates of PET CT Scan: CGHS OM dated 19.12.2023
F No Z15025/32/2023/DIR/CGHS
Govt. of India
Min. of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate of CGHS
CGHS Bhawan,
RK Puram –Sector-13, New Delhi.
Dated the 19th December , 2023
Subject: Revision of CGHS rates for Cardiology Procedures , inclusion of 2 new procedures and revision of Rates of PET CT Scan-regarding
I am directed to convey the approval of Competent Authority for revision of CGHS rates for Cardiology Procedures , inclusion of 2 new procedures and revision of rates of PET CT Scan as per the details given below:
(all Figures are in Rupees)
S No | TREATMENT PROCEDURE and Investigations in CARDIOLOGY | CGHS package rates for NABH Hospitals | CGHS package rates for Non- NABH Hospitals | |
1 | Balloon coronary angioplasty/PTCA | 92,000 | 78,200 | |
2 | Balloon coronary angioplasty/PTCA Â without Vascular Closure Device | 83,725 | 71,150 | |
3 | Rotablation | 56,206 | 47,775 | |
4 | Balloon Mitral Valvotomy / Percutaneous  transvenous mitral commissurotomy (PTMC) – | 90,700 | 77,000 | |
5 | Cardiac Catheterization (CATH) | 13,545 | 11,510 | |
6 | Coaractation  dilatation | 71,600 | 60,860 | |
7 | Temporary Pacemaker Implantation (TPI) (Temporary Cardiac Pacing) Single Chamber | 19,200 | 16,320 | |
8 | Permanent pacemaker implantation (PPI)- Single chamber | 32,000 | 27,200 | |
9 | Permanent pacemaker implantation- Dual Chamber | 43,000 | 36,550 | |
10 | Permanent pacemaker implantation (PPI)- Biventricular | 49,625 | 42,180 | |
11 | Automatic implantable Cardioverter defibrillator AICD Single chamber | 50,000 | 42,500 | |
12 | Automatic implantable Cardioverter defibrillator AICD – Dual Chamber | 52,350 | 44500 | |
13 | Combo device implantation | 59,000 | 50,150 | |
14 | Diagnostic Electrophysiological  studies conventional(  including catheter) | 66,000 | 56,100 | |
15 | Ambulatory BP monitoring | 1,000 | 1,000 | |
16 | External Loop/event recording ( maximum up to 7 days) | 1,500 first day and 1,000 for subsequent days | 1,500 first day and 1,000 for subsequent days | |
17 | Radiofrequency (RF) ablation conventional | 96,000 | 81,600 | |
18 | Radiofrequency (RF) ablation Atrial Tachycardia/with 3-D mapping – all inclusive | 1,81,000 | 1,53,850 | |
19 | Endomyocardial biopsy | Deleted | Deleted | |
20 | Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP) including Cost of Balloon | 50,000 | 42,500 | |
21 | Intravascular coils | 75,000 | 63,750 | |
22 | Septostomy- Balloon | 30,000 | 25,500 | |
23 | Aortic valve balloon dilatation (AVBD) / Pulmonary valve Balloon Dilatation(PVBD) | 56,400 | 47,940 | |
24 | Digital subtraction angiography-Peripheral artery | 14,610 | 12,400 | |
25 | Digital subtraction angiography- venogram | 14,610 | 12,400 | |
26 | Peripheral Angioplasty | 55,500 | 46,750 | |
27 | Renal Angioplasty | 55,000 | 46,750 | |
28 | Intravascular  ultrasound (IVUS) – | 50,000 | 50,000 | |
29 | Holter analysis | 2,500 | 2,125 | |
30 | Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) filter implantation (Cost of Filter extra) | 30,000 | 25,500 | |
31 | ASD/VSD/PDA device closure | ASD 98,900VSD 1,09,900PDA – 55,000 |  ASD 84,065VSD 93,415 PDA 46,750 |
32 | Head–up tilt test (HUTT) | 4,000 | 3,400 | |
33 | Stress Myocardial Perfusion Imaging(MPI)-exercise | 9000 | 7,650 | |
34 | Stress Myocardial Perfusion Imaging (MPI) – pharmacological | 9000 | 7,650 | |
35 | Coronary angiography | 13225 | 11,240 | |
36 | Pericardiocentesis | 10,000 | 8,,500 | |
37 | Intracoronary  optical coherence tomography (OCT) / Intravascular optical coherence tomography (IVOCT) /Intravascular Ventricular Assist System | 65,000 | 65,000 | |
38 | Fractional Flow Reserve (FFR) inclusive of cost of wire | Rs.30,000 | 30,000 | |
 New Procedures included | ||||
1 | TAVI/TAVRÂ Â Â Â Â Implant | 12,84,000 | 12,84,000 | |
TAVI/TAVR Procedure cost | 1,00,000 | 85,000 | ||
2 | IVL (Coronary Intra Vascular Lithotripsy / Short wave Lithotripsy) – including GST | 2,68,000 | 2,68,000 |
Revised rates for PET-CT Scan
FDG Whole body PET/CT Scan | 11,500 | 10,000 |
Brain/Heart FDG PET/CT Scan | ||
Gallium-68 Peptide PET/CT imaging for Neuroendocrine tumor |
2. These rates are applicable in all CGHS C
3 . These rates are in supersession of the hitherto existing CGHS package rates for the above items. The other terms and conditions of empanelment shall remain unchanged.
4. The revised rates shall be applicable from the date of issue of this OM and shall be valid till further
5. This issues with the approval of Competent Authority and concurrence of Integrated Finance Division, Ministry of H&FW vide CD 2820 dated 19.12.2023.
Signed by
(Manoj Jain)
Director, CGHS