Recovery of CGHS Subscription from employees serving under Bhopal and Gwalior

Recovery of CGHS Subscription from employees serving under Bhopal and Gwalior are still availing CS (MA) facility: Circular dated 06.10.2021
Important Circular
No. AN/II/1734/CGHS
Date:- 06.10.2021
To :
The Officer-in-Charge
(i) All Sub-Offices located at Bhopal and Gwalior station
(ii) IFA Bhopal and IFA Gwalior under proforma Controller to this office
Sub:- Recovery of CGHS Subscription.
Kindly refer Office Memorandum bearing No.C 14012/02/2018/ CGHS-IIV/DIR dated 06.04.2018 issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Department of Health and Family Welfare, Directorate General of CGHS, New Delhi, in all CGHS covered Cities, the serving central Govt. employees residing within the municipal limit of the city, shall be given one time to opt for CGHS from the nearest CGHS Wellness Centre”.
2. However, at present employees serving under Bhopal and Gwalior are still availing CS (MA) facility.
3. The Competent Authority has decided to give one month time from the date of circular, to the employees serving in Bhopal and Gwalior station to shift from CS (MA) to CGHS. F ailing which recovery of CGHS subscription will start from 01.11.2021 and withdrawal of CS (MA) facility.
4. Contents of this circular may please be brought notice of all officers and staff and acknowledgement in token of having noted the Same may be kept in record.
5. This is issued with the approval of CDA.
Sr. Accounts Officer (AN)