Private Hospitals empanelled under CGHS should declare Caesarian deliveries
Deliveries by Caesarian Section vis-a-vis normal deliveries at Private Hospitals empanelled under CGHS – Declaration of Deliveries by Caesarian Section to public by displaying the details near Reception
Deliveries by Caesarian Section and normal deliveries at Private Hospitals empanelled under CGHS – Directorate General of CGHS OM.
Government of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate General of CGHS
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi 110 011
F.No. No. 2.15025/2017
Dated the 7th June, 2017
Subject: – Declaration of Deliveries by Caesarian Section vis-a-vis normal deliveries at Private Hospitals empanelled under CGHS
With reference to the above mentioned subject the undersigned is directed to state that matter regarding increasing ratio of deliveries through Caesarian section in Private Hospitals has been brought to the notice of Ministry of Health and family Welfare. in this regard it has now been decided that empanelled hospitals under CGHS shall inform the Public about ratio of deliveries by Caesarian Section vis-a-vis normal deliveries in its Hospital.
All CGHS empanelled Hospitals are therefore requested to display such information on voluntary basis prominently near reception of the hospital, to begin with.
Director, CGHS
Source : CGHS