Extension of CGHS medical facilities to employees of Kendriya-Vidyalaya Sangthan (KVS): MOHFW

Extension of CGHS medical facilities to employees of Kendriya-Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS): MOHFW OM dated 28.05.2024
File No. C.18018/2/2024-EHS
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
(EHS Section)
Nirman Bhawgn, New Delhi
Dated 28th May, 2024
Subject: Regarding extension of CGHS medical facilities to employees of Kendriya-Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS)-reg.
The undersigned & directed to refer to file no. 4-8/2023-INS-1 received from D/o School Education & Literacy regarding their proposal for extension of CGHS facilities to the serving as well as retired employees of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangthan (KVS), in all CGHS covered cities across the country, irrespective of the fact whether they were having CGHS cards while in service.
2. In this connection, it is informed that the matter has been examined in this Ministry and it has been decided to extend the CGHS facilities to the serving and retired employees of KVS, in all CGHS covered cities, on the conditions as given below:
a) CGHS facilities will be extended to the serving as well as retired employees of the KVS on a cost-to-cost basis. They will be entitled to OPD facilities and medicines from CGHS Wellness Centre.
b) Medical Expenses incurred on investigation/hospitalization of the pensioner beneficiary (and their eligible family members) shall be borne by the KVS.
c) CGHS card(s) will be issued only on receipt of the recommendation of KVS along with a subscription charge in advance on a cost-to-cost basis (presently Rs.15368/- per family per annum), on an annual basis.
d) The CGHS cards will be renewed on yearly basis.
e) The expenditure towards this facility shall be met from the internal resources of the organization.
This issues with the approval of competent authority.
(Hemlata Singh)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tel. No. 011-23061778
Ministry of Education
Department of School Education & Literacy
Sh Manoj Kumar. Under Secretary (KVS)
Shastri Bhawan New Delhi – 110001
Copy for necessary action to. Director(CGHS), Dte. of CGHS, CGHS
Headquarters. Sector 13 RK Puram. New Delhi