Extension of CGHS approved private hospitals CGHS outside Delhi and NCR
Extension of CGHS approved private hospitals CGHS outside Delhi and NCR -Extension of empanelment of empanelled HCO in all CGHS cities except Delhi/NCR
Extension of CGHS approved private hospitals CGHS outside Delhi and NCR – CGHS Office Order dated 29.09.2017
F. No: 8-11045/36/2016-CGHS (HEC)
Government of India
Directorate General of Central Govt. Health Scheme
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated: 29th September, 2017
O F F I C E ย ย ย O R D E R
Sub: Extension of empanelment of already empanelled Health Care Organizations in all CGHS cities except Delhi/NCR.
With reference to above mentioned subject attention is drawn to OM dated 17.11.2014 and further OMS empanelling Health Care Organizations under CGHS outside Delhi/NCR till 16.11.2017. Now it has been decided to extend validity of empanelment of all Health Care Organizations already empanelled under CGHS outside Delhi/NCR further till 31.12.2017 on same terms & conditions on which they are presently empanelled.
[Dr. D.C. Joshi]
Director (CGHS)