CGHS – Issue of Medicines prescribed by Specialists beyond the period of Advice

Clarification regarding issue of Medicines prescribed by Specialists beyond the period for which the medicines had been advised – Directorate General of CGHS OM dated 01.05.2018
CGHS OM regarding clarification on issue of Medicines prescribed by Specialists beyond the period for which the medicines had been advised
Government of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate General of CGHS
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi 110 011
Dated the 1st May , 2018
Subject:- Clarification regarding issue of Medicines prescribed by Specialists beyond the period for which the medicines had been advised
With reference to the above subject the undersigned is directed to state that this Ministry is in receipt of representations from CGHS beneficiaries, particularly from Senior Citizens regarding refusal of CGHS for issue of medicines prescribed by Specialists, immediately on expiry of the period for which the prescription has been issued, The matter has been reviewed by the competent authority in view of the difficulties faced by the CGHS beneficiaries and it is now decided that Medical Officers of CGHS can issue the same medicines to CGHS beneficiaries prescribed by the Specialists even after the expiry of the validity of the prescription in Chronic diseases, where the clinical condition is stable and CGHS shall not insist on immediate re validation by Specialists.
However, in cases of Chemotherapy and immunosuppressant treatment regular follow up from Specialists would be advisable.
These guidelines are in super session of the guidelines issued earlier on the subject.
(Dr D.C.Joshi)
Director, CGHS