CGHS-Guidelines for referring the cases to Health Ministry
Department of Health and Family Welfare, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has observed that issues relating to CGHS Matters are referred by various Ministries and Departments to Department of Health in a routine manner which could have been settled at the CGHs beneficiary’s own Ministry or Department. Hence, it is informed by Department of Health and Family Welfare that cased related to CGHS matters are to be examined thoroughly as per the CGHS guidelines and instructions and clarification on CGHS policy matter or relaxation of rules is required, the administrative Ministry/Department may refer the case to Department of Health and family welfare with specific recommendation of Joint Secretary/Head of Department with justification along with all supporting documents.
The Office Memorandum dated 27.06.2012 issued in this regard is as follows.
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
Nirman Bhawan, Maulana Azad Road
New Delhi 110 108
No.S.11011/1/2012-CGHS (P)
Dated the 27th June, 2012
Sub: Guidelines to be followed by Ministries/Departments while referring cases to Ministry of Health & Family Welfare on CGHS matters — reg.
Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) was introduced in 1954 to provide comprehensive medical care for serving/retired Central Government employees and their family members. Instructions have been issued from time to time to regulate this medical facility to ensure that Ministries and Departments of Government of India including the CGHS beneficiaries have a clear idea on different aspects of CGHS.
2. Various instructions on eligibility, dependency, CGHS contributions, issue of CGHS cards, medical advance, settlement of medical claims and medical facilities provided under CGHS have been issued. These instructions are by no means exhaustive but an effort has been made to ensure that most cases are settled at the beneficiary’s own Ministry / Department.
3. Despite issuing a number of guidelines on settlement of reimbursement claims and delegation of powers for referral and approval cases, it has been observed that cases are being referred to this Ministry in a routine manner without adequate examination. Instances of cases have come to notice where despite the lack of documentary evidence, cases have been recommended and referred to this Ministry for examination, with or without the approval of the concerned Joint Secretary/Head of Department.
4. In such cases, it becomes difficult to examine the legitimacy of the claims and much time and effort is spent in collating and verifying the facts of the case. Accordingly, it is impressed upon all the Ministries/Departments of the Government of India to ensure that cases are examined thoroughly as per the CGHS guidelines and instructions. If any clarification on CGHS policy matter/relaxation of rules is required, the Administrative Ministry / Department may, if they are satisfied with the justification/merit of the case, refer it to this Ministry with the specific recommendation of the concerned Joint Secretary /Head of Department along with all supporting documents.
5. This issues with the approval of Additional Secretary & Director General (CGHS).
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
Sir, I have proceeded on VRS from (CRPF) wef 01/02/2012. I want to avail CGHS facilities by surrendering my medical allowances received in my monthly pension. Please give clear direction so that I can take CGHS facilities for better treatment in feature when ever needed.
Details of family
1. Self (46 Years)
2. Wife (40 years)
3. Daughter (15 Years)
4. Son (12 Years)