CGHS facilities to the retired BSNL/MTNL employees – Revised mapping for determining CGHS subscription and Ward entitlement

CGHS facilities to the retired BSNL/MTNL employees – Revised mapping for determining CGHS subscription and Ward entitlement: DOT OM dated 21.07.2023
No. 4-12(12)/2018-PAT-Part (1)
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications
(PAT Section)
New Delhi, dated.21 July, 2023
Subject: CGHS facilities to the retired BSNL/MTNL employees (Combined Service Pensioners) who are in receipt of pension from Central Civil Estimates – Revised mapping for determining CGHS subscription and Ward entitlement.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Office Memorandum No. 4-12(12)/2018-PAT-Part(1) dated 01.07.2019 on above subject vide which the revised mapping of IDA and CDA pay scales was issued for deciding the rate of monthly CGHS contribution and entitlement of wards in private hospitals empanelled under CGHS in respect of retired BSNL/MTNL employees who receive pension from Central Civil Estimates and avail CGHS facilities.
2. The entitlement of wards in Private Hospitals empanelled under CGHS has been revised e.f. 28.10.2022 by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare vide its O.M. No. S.11011/11/2016-CGHS(P)/EHS dated 28.10.2022. This has necessitated corresponding modification in Annexure-8 of the said O.M. dated 01.07.2019.
3. Accordingly, Annexures to the said M. dated 01.07.2019 stands modified w.e.f . 28.10.2022, as enclosed.
4. This M and mapping is applicable only for the Combined Service Optees who retired from BSNL/MTNL with IDA pay scale.
5. This M. and mapping is not applicable for pro-rata pensioners who retired from DoT under CDA pay scale. Also, as per guidelines issued from Directorate of CGHS, MoH&FW, ward entitlement is based on the last basic pay and CGHS subscription is based on the pay scale as mentioned in the Pension Payment Order (PPO) of a particular retiree. Accordingly, ward entitlement and CGHS subscription in case of pro-rata pensioners of BSNL/MTNL will continue to be decided based on last pay drawn in DoT before absorption, as mentioned in their respective PPO while retiring from DoT, Govt. of India as already conveyed vide this office O.M. No. 4-12(12)/2018-PAT dated 08.09.2021. Hence, no mapping of IDA/CDA scale is required in case of pro-rata pensioners.
6. This issues with the approval of Member (Services).
Encl: As
Assistant Director General (PAT)
Phone: 011-23036245
(Enclosure to letter no. No. 4-12(12)/2018-PAT-Part (1) dated .l.I .07.2023)
(A1) CDA/IDA correspondence for deciding Monthly Contributions for availing CGHS facility in Case of BSNL retirees (Combined Service Pensioners):
SI. No. | IDA Pay Scale in BSNL – | Corresponding Pay Scale/ Grade Pay drawn in CDA Scale/ Levels in the Pay Matrix for the purpose of deciding monthly CGHS contribution | Contribution (in Rs./Month) as per MoH&FW OM dated 09.0 1.2017 | |||
Before 01.01.2007 | After 01.01.2007 | As per 5th CPC | As per 5th CPC | As per 7th CPC | ||
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) |
1 | 4000-120-5800 | 7760- 13320 | 2550-55-2660-60- 3200 | 1300/- | Level 1 to Level 5 | 250/- |
2 | 4060-125-5935 | 7840-14700 | 2610-60-3150-65- 3540 | 1400/- | ||
3 | 4100-125-5975 | 7900-14880 | 2650-65-3300-70- 4000 | 1650/- | ||
4 | 4250-130-6200 | 8150-15340 | 2750-70-3800-75- 4400 | 1800/- | ||
5 | 4550-140-6650 | 8700-16840 | 3050-75-3950-80- 4590 | 1900/- | ||
6 | 4720-150-6970 | 9020- 17430 | 3200-85-4900 | 2000/- | ||
7 | 5700-160-8100 | 10900-20400 | 4000-100-6000 | 2400/- | ||
8 | 6550-185-9325 | 12520-23440 | 4500-125-7000 | 2800/- | ||
9 | 7100-200-10100 | 13600-25420 | 5000-150-8000 | 4200/- | Level 6 | 450/- (for employees retired prior to 01.01.2006) |
10 | 7800-225-11175 | 14900-27850 | 5500-175-9000 | 4200/- | ||
11-a | 8570-245-12245 (for Non- Executive) | 16370-30630 16390-33830 | 6500-200-10500 | 4200/- * | ||
12-a | 9850-250-14600 (for Executive) | 16400-40500 | 6500-200-10500 | 4200/- * | ||
11-b | 8570-245-12245 (for Non- Executive) | 16370-30630 16390-33830 | 6500-200-10500 | 4600/- @ | Level 7 to Level 11 | 650/- (for employees retired after 01.01.2006) |
12-b | 9850-250-14600 (for Executive) | 16400-40 500 | 6500-200-10500 | 4600/- @ | ||
13 | 11875-300-17275 | 20600-46500 | 7500-250-12000 | 4800/- | ||
14 | 13000-350-18250 | 24900-50500 | 8000-275-13500 | 5400/- | ||
15 | 14500-350-18700 | 29100-54500 | 10000-325-15200 | 6600/- | ||
16 | 16000-400-20800 | 32900-58000 | 12000-375- 16500 | 76001- | Level 12 and above | 1000/- |
17 | 17500-400-22300 | 36600-62000 | 14300-400- 18300 | 87001- | ||
18 | All scales above the scale of Rs.17500-400- 22300/- | All scales above the scale of Rs. 36600- 62000/- | All scales above the scale of Rs.14300-400- 18300/- | GP more than 87001- |
(*) Initially Rs. 4200/- G.P. was provided as per 6th CPC to the CDA scale of Rs. 6500-200- 10500/-
(@) Subsequently scale of Rs. 6500-200-10500/- was upgraded and GP of Rs.4600/- provided vide MoF, DoE’s OM dated 13.11.2009.
(A2) CDA/IDA correspondence for deciding Monthly Contributions for availing CGHS facility in Case of MTNL retirees (Combined Service Pensioners):
SI. No. | IDA Pay Scale in MTNL | Corresponding Pay Scale/ Grade Pay drawn in CDA Scale/ Levels in the Pay Matrix for the purpose of deciding monthly CGHS contribution | Contribution (in Rs./Month) as per MoH&FW OM dated 09.01.2017 | |||
Before 01.01.2007 | After 01.01.2007 | As per 5th CPC | As per 61h CPC | As per 71h CPC | ||
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) |
1 | 4400-125-6275 | 7800-17000 | 2550-55-2660 -60- 3200 | 1300/- | Level 1 to Level 5 | 250/- |
2 | 4500-140-6600 | 8400-18350 | 2610-60-3150 -65- 3540 | 1400/- | ||
3 | 4600-150-6850 | 8900-19410 | 2650-65-3300-70- 4000 | 1650/- | ||
4 | 4700-170-7250 | 9500-20710 | 2750-70-3800-75- 4400 | 1800/- | ||
5 | 5000- 185-7775 | 10500-22830 | 3050-75-3950-80- 4590 | 1900/- | ||
6 | 5200-210-8350 | 11500-24970 | 3200-85-4900 | 2000/- | ||
7 | 6700-220-10000 | 12500-27170 | 4000-100 -6000 | 2400/- | ||
8 | 7150-225-10525 | 13500-29300 | 4500- 125-7000 | 2800/- | ||
9 | 7700-230-11150 | 14500-31500 | 5000-150-8000 | 4200/- | Level 6 | 450/- (for employees retired prior to 01.01.2006) |
10 | 8300-235-11825 | 16000-34650 | 5500-175-9000 | 4200/- | ||
11-a | 8575-245-12250 (for Non- Executive) | 17500-37950 | 6500-200-10500 | 4200/-* | ||
12-a | 10750-300- 16750 (for Executive) | 20600-46500 | 6500-200-10500 | 4200/-* | ||
11-b | 8575-245-12250 (for Non- Executive) | 17500-37950 | 6500-200-10500 | 4600/-@ | Level 7 to Level 11 | 650/- (for employees retired after 01.01.2006) |
12-b | 10750-300- 16750 (for Executive) | 20600-46500 | 6500-200-10500 | 4600/-@ | ||
13 | 13000-350- 18250 | 24900-50500 | 7500-250-12000 | 4800/- | ||
14 | 14500-350- 18700 | 29100-54500 | 8000-275-13500 | 5400/- | ||
15 | 16000-400- 20800 | 32900-58000 | 10000-325-15200 | 6600/- | ||
16 | 17500-400- 22300 | 36600-62000 | 12000-375-16500 | 76001- | Level 12 and above | 1000/- |
17 | 18500-450- 23900 | 43200-66000 | 14300-400-18300 | 8700/- | ||
18 | All scales above the scale of Rs. 18500-450- 23900/- | All scales above the scale of Rs. 43200- 66000/- | All scales above the scale of Rs. 14300- 400- 18300/- | GP more than 87001- |
(*) Initially Rs. 4200/- G. P. was provided as per 6th CPC to the CDA scale of Rs. 6500-200- 10500/-.
(@) Subsequently scale of Rs. 6500-200-10500/- was upgraded and GP of Rs.4600/- providedvide MoF, DoE’s OM dated 13.11.2009.
(Enclosure to letter No. 4-12(12)/2018-PAT-Part (1) dated.1.l .07.2023)
Entitlement of wards in private hospitals empanelled under CGHS for BSNL/MTNL Retirees (Combined Service Pensioners) who receive pension from Central Civil Estimates and avail CGHS facilities
(1) For the employees retired prior to 01.01.2007:
SI No. | Basic pay in IDA pay scale at the time of retirement. | Corresponding basic pay in corresponding levels in CDA as per 7th CPC | Ward entitlement | |
BSNL | MTNL | |||
(1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) |
1 | Up to Rs. 11,875/- | Up to Rs. 13,000/- | Up to Rs. 36,500/- | General Ward |
2 | Rs. 11,876/- to Rs. 15,475/- | Rs. 13,001/- to Rs.17,200/- | Rs. 36,501/- to Rs.50,500/- | Semi-Private Ward |
3 | Rs. 15,476/- and above | Rs. 17,201/- and above | Above Rs. 50,500/- | Private Ward |
(2) For the employees retired after 01.01.2007 :
SI No. | Basic pay in IDA pay scale at the time of retirement. | Corresponding basic pay in corresponding levels in CDA as per 7th CPC | Ward entitlement | ||
BSNL: Retired between 01.01.2007 to 09.06.2013 | BSNL: Retired on or after 10.06.2013 | MTNL | |||
(1) | (2A) | (2B) | (3) | (4) | (5) |
1 | Up to Rs. 26 ,060/- | Up to Rs. 27 ,510/- | Up to Rs.28 ,530/- | Up to Rs. 36,500 | General Ward |
2 | Rs. | Rs. 27,520/- | Rs. 28,540/- | Rs. 36,501/- to | Semi-Private Ward |
26,070/- to | to Rs. | to | Rs.50,500/- | ||
33,960/- | 35,850/- | Rs. 37,750/- | |||
3 | Rs. 33,970/- and above | Rs. 35,860/- and above | Rs. 37,760/- and above | Above Rs. 50,500/- | Private Ward |
Source: Department of Telecommunications