Travelling Allowance on training period while on Probation

DoPT OM on Admissibility of Travelling Allowance (TA) and other expenditure incurred while on training by the Government Servants on probation

Department of Personnel and Training has issued an OM regarding Admissibility of Travelling Allowance (TA).

No.T-25014/1/2016-TRG(ISTM Section)

Government of India

Ministry Of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions

Department of Personnel and Training

(Training Division)

Old JNU Campus, Block IV,

New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi – 110 067

Dated: 21st January, 2016


Subject: Admissibility of Travelling Allowance (TA) and other expenditure incurred while on training by the Government Servants on probation.

Institute of Secretariat Training and Management (ISTM) is conducting Foundation Training Course of newly recruited Assistant Section Officers (DR) and Stenographers (DR). ISTM has received number of references from various Ministries and Departments, requesting for clarification, whether the expenditure incurred by trainee Assistants, now re-designated as Assistant Section Officers, for their boarding, lodging etc. while undergoing Foundation Training, under the aegis of ISTM can be reimbursed to them. Representations have also been received from Assistant Section Officers, through their administrative Ministries in this regard.

2. The matter has been examined in consultation with the IFD(MHA) with reference to the Supplementary Rules 164 and instructions issued by the Government from time to time under the aforesaid Rules, which govern claims of Travelling Allowances while on training by probationers. The rule position is clarified as under:-

(i) No Travelling Allowance may be allowed for the onward journey for joining the training institute;

(ii) No Travelling Allowance may be allowed to the probationers while they are taken for outstation for training activity;

(iii) Probationers have to pay boarding /lodging /transport charges, if any, from their pocket.

(iv) No daily allowance may be admissible.

(v) One side TA may be allowed to the participants while reporting for duty in the allocated Ministry/Department on completion of the Training Programme from an outstation Institute, which are located at Hyderabad, Kolkata, Chandigarh, Shimla and Jaipur, where such training is being conducted by ISTM at present, or any other State Training Institute, which may be identified later, outside NCR.

3. All Ministries/Departments of Government of India are, therefore, advised to decide the claims made by Assistant Section Offices in respect of reimbursement of expenditure by them for boarding/lodging and other transport charges during the period of their Foundation Training conducted by ISTM, in accordance with the provisions contained at para (2) of this O.M. In case, any reimbursement has already been made, the same may be recovered immediately.

4. This issues with the concurrence with the IFD(MHA), vide their Dy. No. 299/Fin.II/15, dated 31.12.2015.


Under Secretary to the Government of India

Download DoPT OM No.T-25014/1/2016-TRG(ISTM Section) dated 21.01.2016