Transport Allowance @Rs.7000/-p.m+DA to IRMS officers drawing GP of Rs. 10,000/- under DACP Scheme

Transport Allowance @Rs.7000/-p.m. +DA thereon to the IRMS officers drawing Grade Pay of Rs.10,000/- (now Pay Level-14) under DACP Scheme: Railway Board
(Railway Board)(रेलवे बोर्ड)
No. PC-V/2010/A/TA/1
New Delhi, dated 23-11-2021
The General Manager/CAQ(R)
All Zonal Railways & PUs
(As per mailing list)
Sub:-Grant of Transport Allowance @Rs.7000/-p.m. +DA thereon to the IRMS officers drawing Grade Pay of Rs.10,000/- (now Pay Level-14) under DACP Scheme.
Attention is invited to Board’s letter of even number dated 23-07-2021 (RBE No. 54/2021) whereby Board’s decision regarding recovery of excess payment against Transport Allowance from such IRMS officers who have not been found eligible for Transport Allowance at the higher rate have been communicated. Meanwhile. an O.A No. 2045/2021 (IRMS officers Vs. M/O Railways) have been filed seeking relief interalia stay against the recovery of excess payment of Transport Allowance. Hon’ble Tribunal vide their order dated 7-09-2021 have granted interim Stay in the matter.
2. In compliance of Hon’ble CAT/New Delhi’s order dated 17-09-2021, it has been decided to keep in abeyance Board’s letter dated 23-07-2021 (RBE No. 54/2021) till further orders from Board’s office.
3. Necessary action as per Board’s above decision may please be taken immediately.
(Sudha A . Kujur)
Deputy Director, Pay Commission
Railway Board