Transport Allowance to Government employees – Rajya Sabha QA

Transport Allowance to Government employees who worked from home – Rajya Sabha QA
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Rajya Sabha
Unstarred Question No. 1649
To be answered on Tuesday, 3 August, 2021
Sravant2 , 1943 (Saka)
Transport Allowance to Government employees
1649:: Shri A. Vijayakumar:
Will the Minister of Finance be pleased to state:
(a) whether Government has increased the Dearness. Allowance to Government employees;
(b) whether Government will implement other amenities mentioned in Pay Commission Report;
(c) if so, details thereof;
(d) whether there is any proposal to revise transport allowance to Government employees; and
(e) whether there is any proposal to get refund of transport allowance to those employees who worked from home?
Minister of State in the Ministry of Finance
(Shri Pankaj Chaudhary)
(a) Yes, Sir. The Government has released the installments of DA/DR from 01.07.2021 which were due from 01.01.2020, 01.07.2020 and 01.01.2021 in respect of Central Government employees/pensioners. The Central Government employees/Pensioners will get DA/DR @ 28% (11% over the existing rate of 17%) from July, 2021;
(b) & (c) So far as Pay & Allowances of Central Government employees are concerned, recommendations of 7th Central Pay Commission have already been implemented;
(d) No, Sir;
(e) No, Sir.
Source: Rajya Sabha