Dress Allowance to staff and supervisors working in ELS and DLS, Raipur of SECR: Railway Board

Physical verification of Railway Pensioners at Banks: Railway Board

Dress Allowance to staff and supervisors working in Electric Loco Shed and Diesel Loco Shed, Raipur of SECR: Railway Board Clarification

Ministry of Railways (Rail Mantralaya)
(Railway Board)

File No. PC-VII/2021/1/7/5/5

New Delhi, Dated: 12/10/2021

The Principal Chief Personnel Officer,
South East Central Railway,
(Kind attn: Shri Sukhbeer Singh, PCPO)

Sub: Clarifications regarding grant of Dress Allowance to staff and supervisors working in Electric Loco Shed and Diesel Loco Shed, Raipur of SECR

Ref: CPO(A)/SECR’s letter No. P-HQ/RUL/109/2 dated 11.03.2021

Please refer to SECR’s letter under reference vide which clarifications were sought from Board’s Office regarding the eligibility of Staff and Supervisors working in ELS and DLS, Raipur of SECR.

2. The matter has been examined in Board’s/office and it is informed that vide Board’s Letter No. PC-VII/2018/I/7/S/1 dated 20.06.2019, the criteria required to be fulfilled by any category to be eligible for the grant of Dress Allowance were specified as follows:

(a) The personnel of the said category should be required to wear a specific uniform daily (excluding any special clothing) as a part of their duty as specified by the Dress Regulations of Ministry of Railways.

(b) The personnel of the said category should have had been receiving uniform material and associated Allowances like Uniform Allowance, Washing Allowance, Kit Maintenance Allowance, Shoe Allowance etc. prior to 1st July, 2017 i.e. date of admissibility of Dress Allowance.

(c) The personnel of the said category should have ceased to be granted the uniform materials and associated allowances w.e.f. the date of issue of RBE 141/2017. ER 490/34

3. As such, it is advised that any decision regarding grant of Dress Allowance to a new category may be taken strictly in accordance with the criteria specified in Board’s letter dated 20.06.2019. Further, 7th CPC has not recommended for inclusion of any new category within the ambit of Dress Allowance who were not receiving uniforms and associated allowances previously.

(M. Gupta)
Executive Director, Pay Commission-II
Railway Board
(Ph. No. 011-47845208)
(e-mail: mkguptairps.97gov.in)

Copy to: PCPO, ECoR, Bhubaneswar

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