CG Employees Agony – DA for July 2016 yet to be Announced

CG Employees Agony – DA for July 2016 yet to be Announced – The government should try to improve the morality of the govt servants not degrade it.
All the Central Government Employees wonder why there is so much delay in announcing the DA from July 2016, the first instalment of Dearness Allowance in 7th CPC.
Sources close to the Finance Ministry had previously told that the initial installment of DA to central government employees on the revised pay structure w.e.f 1.7.2016 is under consideration. Mean time there is a proposal to pay the DA from July 2016 at the rate of 1% to all CG Staffs.
This was a shocking news for the employees, however, even that has not been announced yet. The government is taking its own time and keeping the government employees under stress and guessing.
Sources indicate that the department of expenditure has directed the PRU (Pay Research Unit) of the Finance Ministry to furnish the details of the additional financial implications for 1% increase of DA with effect from 1.7.2016 on the revised pay structure.
Further the Pay Research Unit has been requested to furnish financial implications for the Period of July 2016 to February 2017 on account of granting 1% DA from July 2016 to all central government employees including Armed Forces and UT Employees.
However, what is annoying, is the silence of the the Federations in the Dearness Allowance (DA) issue.
The way the present government deals with the issues related to central government Employees is annoying. But it seems that the staff associations has lost its vigour to fight with the government to settle the genuine issues pertaining to central government employees.
To Everyone’s Surprise, the government is not ready to say anything about dearness allowance (DA). To add salt to the wound, there is no one ready to ask them about why the DA has not been announced. If the Federation knows the reason for the delay of announcing the DA from July 2016, they are bound to tell the CG employees the reason behind the inordinate delay.
Whether it is 3% or 2% even 1% whatever it may be, the government cannot keep quite. The Dearness Allowance announcement should be made in time.
The morale of the employees should not be let down. Because low morale can lead to poor cooperation, low productivity. The government should try to improve the morality of the govt servants not degrade it.