Admissibility of Night Duty Allowance to FED re-designated to Station Officer

Clarification on Admissibility of Night Duty Allowance to FED re-designated to Station Office: CDA Circular dated 12.07.2023
Office of the Controller of Defence Accounts Guwahati
Udayan Vihar, Guwahati — 781171
Date : 12.07.2023
l. Area Accbunts Office
Bivar Régad,
2. All LAOs
Subject: Clarification regarding admissibility of Night Duty Allowance to FED re-designated to Station Officer.
Please find enclosed a copy of PCDA(WC) Chandigarh letter No. Pay/II/Tech/94 dated 23.06.2023, which is self explanatory.
It 1s therefore requested that practice followed/adopted as regards payment of Night Duty Allowance to Station Officers (erstwhile FED ‘B’) may be intimated at the earliest for onward submission of the same to PCDA(WC) Chandigarh.
Further, a list of designation/category/level of employees, who were made eligible by the MoD for receipt of Night Duty Allowance under your audit jurisdiction, may be obtained and provided to this office for further necessary action please.
Sr. Accounts Officer (Pay-Tech)
No. Pay/II/Tech/94
Dated: 23.06.2023
To ,
Guwahati BDAIHEO
Subject – Clarification regarding admissibility of Night Duty Allowance to FED resignated to Station Officer.
Night Duty Allowance was admissible to the Fire Fighting staff as per list of categories identified for grant of NDA in accordance to the MoD OM dated 15.03.1990 (copy enclosed). It is pertinent to mention here that among the list of staff identified FED ‘B’ Fire Supervisors have been re-designated to the post of Station Officer with a revised pay level Gand GP 2800 / –
Further, as per DoPT OM No. A-27016/02/2017-Estt (AL) dated 13.07.2020. the ceiling of Basic Pay for entitlement of NDA has been upgraded to Rs.43600/- per month.
Since, the list of categories has not been revised w.r.t admissibility of NDA to the Fire Fighting Staff who have been re-designated to the post of Station Officer, it is difficult to conclude whether Station Officer is eligible to get NDA or not.
In view of the above, your views and practice followed in r/o grant of Night Duty Allowance to fire fighting staff ( FED ‘B’) re-designated to Station Officer may please be furnished to this office within 15 days for our better appreciation and enabling this office for further necessary action on the subject matter.
Please accord priority.
Source: CDA