7th Pay Commission News – Parity of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners with Post-2016 Pensioners

7th Pay Commission News – RSCWS representation to Govt pointing out the Parity of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners with Post-2016 Pensioners

Railway Senior Citizens Welfare Society has submitted a memorandum  to the Cabinet Secretary with regard to parity in pension of pre-2016 pensioners with post-2016 pensioners

7th pay commission latest news - parity in pension of pre-2016 pensioners


(Estd. 1991, Regd. No. 1881 – Under Registration of Societies Act),

Head Office: 32, Phase- 6, Mohali, Chandigarh -160055

Website http://rscws.com Email: [email protected]

Identified & Recognised by DOP&PW GOI under Pensioners Portal

No.RSCWS/ CHD/Memo/2016-9

Dated: 06-06-2016

Cabinet Secretary, Government of India &


Cabinet Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi – 110 004

CC to: [email protected]

Dear Sir,

Subject:- Parity of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners with Post-2016 Pensioners – as per  Recommendations of Seventh Pay Commission. Reference: Para 10.1.67 of Seventh Pay Commission Report

1. We are deeply anguished and shocked to learn from the Secretary Staff Side, JCM, that you had indicated in the meeting with the representatives of JCM Staff Side on 26-5-2016, that the Departments of Pension and Defence were of the view that the first option recommended  by  the  7th  CPC  to  bring  about  the  parity  with  the  past  pensioners  is unfeasible and impracticable – due to the non-availability of the requisite records.

2. Denial of Parity to Past Pensioners is going to cause a major financial loss to the Past Pensioners and would naturally agitate them seriously. The issue, therefore, needs reconsideration especially in view of the following points:

i)    Service Records are protected documents and cannot be destroyed without specific orders of the competent authority.

ii)  The views of the DOP&PW & Defence about the non-availability of the requisite records are too vague, unfounded and unjustified;

iii) Even if the Service Records of some of the Pensioners were not available, the same can be reconstructed/recast as per prescribed procedures and as per directions of various courts issued from time to time in such cases.

iv) All the Past Pensioners cannot be made to suffer heavy financial loss due to some missing records – which can in any way be reconstructed as stated above.

v)  5th & 6th Pay Commissions had recommended for grant of Modified Parity to past Pensioners. The orders were implemented on the basis of service records.

vi) Fifth CPC while evolving the norm of modified parity had mentioned in its Report that further improvements could be brought about by future Pay Commissions. It is after  20  years that  7th    CPC  taking  a  step  in   this  direction recommended consideration of number of increments earned in that level while in service. The recommendation cannot be set aside on the plea of non-availability of record.

vii) Recommendations of the 7th CPC in Para 10.1.67 (option 1) for Parity of Pension of Past (Pre-2016) Pensioners were based on legal and Constitutional grounds and, as such, the same may please be implemented.

3. It is, therefore, requested that:

a)  Recommendation of the Seventh CPC regarding option I for fixation of Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners may please  be  implemented –  keeping in  view  the  above submissions.

b) Pay Matrix may please be modified so as to give equitable rise at all levels through same Index for fixation of Pay & Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners.

c) Pension of Pre-2016 Pensioners who were senior and retired in higher Level of Posts may please be revised at par with the junior Post 2016 Pensioners who may get higher pension due to merger of Pay scales or having longer years of service in lower scale.

Yours truly,

(Harchandan Singh)

Secretary General,


Download RCWS Memorandum dated 06.06.2016