Scrap NPS and restore OPS – Parliament Dharna on 14th March 2023: Confederation

Scrap NPS and restore OPS – Parliament Dharna on 14th March 2023: Confederation
1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building, New Delhi — 110001
Email: [email protected]
President: Ravindran B. Nair
Secretary General: R. N. Parashar
09718686800 / 09319917295
Ref: Confd./Circular
Dated — 09.02.2023
All Office Bearers/National Executive committee members
All General Secretaries of State COCs
All Chief executives of affiliated organisations
Dear Comrades,
As you are aware that extensive mobilization as per decision taken in joint convention of Confederation and AISGEF is going on for the demands mentioned in joint declaration of convention dated 08.12.2022 particularly to scrap NPS and restore OPS. In most of the states joint conventions by COCs & state organizations of AISGEF have been held and in remaining states it will be held in this month. Now participation of NPS employees and contractual, outsourced and casual workers have increased in conventions and meetings and this is a good sign for movement.
We as Confederation & AISGEF started campaign against NPS and other demands, other organizations including N.C. JCM also started some campaign programmes. As constituent organizations of Confederation are also part of N.C. JCM so they have taken part in those programmes also.
Parliament Dharna on 14th March 2023
As per decision of 8th December 2022 Joint Convention it has been decided jointly by Confederation and AISGEF that on 14th March 2023, Parliament Dharna will be organized at New Delhi from 10:00 AM to 04:00 PM.
The following quota is allotted to each organization to take part in Parliament Dharna.
NFPE — 500,
ITEF = 200,
Audit & Accounts = 100
other organizations — 50 each.
State COCs — 50 each.
All Chief Executives are requested to issue instructions to their rank and file to take part in Parliament Dharna.
Mazdoor Kisan Sanghars Rally — 5th April — 2023 — Delhi
It has been decided by CITU and some other central trade unions to organize a massive Mazdoor, Kisan Sangharsh Rally on 5th April — 2023 at New Delhi. We as confederation have endorsed the Call. Therefore it is our appeal to all our constituent organizations and state COCs to take part in the rally with Maximum Numbers.
Parliament March — 3rd November 2023
According to the decision taken in joint convention of Confederation and AISGEF on 8th December 2022 at New Delhi the Parliament March will be held on 3rd November 2023 at New Delhi.
All constituent organizations and State COCs are requested to take part in Parliament March in large Number.
A joint Circular will also be issued in this regard.
Meeting of Standing Committee of NC JCM with Health Secretary on 8th February 2023
A meeting on health related issues as per direction of Secretary DOPT was held with Health Secretary Shri Rajesh Bhushan and other officers in Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi on 3th February 2023 from 03:00 PM. From NC JCM standing Committee, Com. Shiv Gopal Mishra, Secretary Staff side & GS AIRF, Shri Guman Singh President, NFIR, Com. C. Shree Kumar, Secretary General AIDEF and Com. R. N. Parashar, Secretary General, Confederation took part in the meeting. On most of the items related to CGHS and other health related issues the attitude of Health Secretary was almost positive. The gist of discussion will be issued by Secretary, Staff Side NC JCM soon and that will brought to the notice of alland minutes of meeting will also to issued soon by health Secretary.
With revolutionary greeting
Comradely yours,
(R. N. Parashar)
Secretary General
Source: Confederation