PRAN generation through e-NPS portal: PFRDA

PRAN generation through e-NPS portal: PFRDA Circular dated 21.12.2022
Important Circular
No. FC/II/NPS/Circular
0/O the PCDA, WC
The Officer in Charge
1. Pay Section (Local)
2. All AAO (Pay) WC, PAOs & AOGEs
PCDA(WC) Chandigarh
Sub:- PRAN generation through e-NPS portal.
Ref:- CGDA HQrs Office circular No NPS-CORR/4/2020-NPS dt 14.12.2022
A meeting was held by CGDA HOrs Office with NSDL representative to streamline delays involved in generation of PRAN.
During the meeting, NSDL representative has demonstrated online generation of PRAN through e-NPS portal. Through this portal an employee can apply online for generation of PRAN using email id and PAO can validate details of employee online leading to generation of PRAN without any delay. In this connection, NSDI. representative has provided two PPTs; one for employee on how to initiate application through e-NPS and another for PAO on online validation of PRAN. Copies of both presentations are enclosed.
Therefore, following links can be used for Registration of subscriber/ employee on e-NPS for generation of PRAN and online validation by PAO.
a. (for Request Initiation by Employee )
b. (for Request Verification and Authorization by Nodal office)
Further, PAOs/DDOs may like to go through above presentation to make themselves conversant with process of online generation of PRAN and to use of e-NPS from now onwards. Also, ensure to inform new appointees to bring with him/her necessary documents required on the date of joining which are to be uploaded at the time of filling up online application Form for generation of his/her PRAN such as:
i. Aadhaar Number
ii. Aadhaar linked Mobile Number
iii. PAN Number
iv. Cancelled cheque
v. Identitycard
vi. Appointment letter
vii. Name of Nominees for NPS
For assistance during online generation of PRAN following officials of NSDL can be contacted:
a. Mohd Rahim Shaikh, Assistant Manager
022 4090 3294
[email protected]
b. Shweta Patil, Executive
022 4090 4849
[email protected]
In the above context, all PAOs are directed to stricitly adhere to online provisions to generate PRANs. Delay in generation of PRANs, in future, may attract adverse remarks from higher authorities.
Acknowledgement of receipt and noted for future compliance of this circular may be intimated to this office.
GO (Fund Cell)
Source: PFRDA