NPS Prosperity Planner (NPP) for Adequacy in Retirement Income Planning: PFRDA

NPS Prosperity Planner (NPP) for Adequacy in Retirement Income Planning: PFRDA Circular dated 09.12.2022
Circular No PFRDA/2022/38/FT&DA/03
09th December 2022
All Stake Holders
Subject: NPS Prosperity Planner (NPP) for Adequacy in Retirement Income Planning
PFRDA takes a plethora of initiatives, enablers, empowerment kits & series of digitally enabled solutions for the large-scale adoption of NPS for the holistic retirement planning of the existing and prospective Subscribers.
2. NPS offers unique tax benefits for its Subscribers during accumulation and withdrawal, but its primary objective is Retirement Planning. NPS due to its cost effectiveness and transparency have all ingredients to become partners of prosperity of each earning individual when they retire from active work life and they no longer earn.
3. The working age population can build a retirement corpus through NPS by the regular contributions carved out from their income and periodical enhancement of their contribution commensurate with the rise in income to provide them and their spouse with regular stream of income once they reach the age of superannuation or retirement.
4. As part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav (AKAM) and in order to assist, empower and handhold the Subscribers to plan for adequacy in retirement income, PFRDA is pleased to provide NPS Prosperity Planner (NPP) for the benefit of Subscribers, made available by the CRAs.
5. Through NPP, the subscribers would be able to estimate the projected Retirement Income (Annuity) as per the Annuity options based on their existing contribution under NPS. NPP provides the tool for higher Retirement Income through Accelerated Contribution plan in the residual period until retirement duly considering inflation and the projected cost of living expenses.
6. NPS Prosperity Planner is futuristic and offers personalized retirement planning for the subscribers based on their past contribution, expected income rise in the future and their cost of living. The calculator thus can provide the subscriber with the reasonable projections which aid in better retirement planning to ensure adequate and sustainable old age income.
This circular is issued furtherance of and to protect the interests of subscribers and to regulate, promote and ensure orderly growth of the National Pension System. Suggestions/Improvements about NPP are welcome by email to <fintech-data[at]>.
Digitally signed by K MOHAN GANDHI
Chief General Manager
Source: PFRDA