Upgradation of Goalpara Mukhya Dak Ghar (MDG) into Head Post Office under Goalpara Postal Division by bifurcation of Dhubri Head Post Office

Upgradation of Goalpara Mukhya Dak Ghar (MDG) into Head Post Office under Goalpara Postal Division by bifurcation of Dhubri Head Post Office: Department of Posts Order dated 01.06.2023
No. Q-14/2/2022-PE-I-DOP
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg,
New Delhi-110001
Dated: 01st June, 2023
The Chief Postmaster General,
Assam Circle,
Subject: – Upgradation of Goalpara Mukhya Dak Ghar (MDG) into Head Post Office under Goalpara Postal Division by bifurcation of Dhubri Head Post Office.
Please refer to Circle Office letter No. PLG/MISC/2021 dated 02.02.2022, 13.02.2023 & 28.02.2023 on the subject cited above.
2. The proposal for upgradation of Goalpara MDG into Head Post Office by bifurcation of Dhubri HPO has been examined in detail in consultation with Integrated Finance Wing (IFW) of the Directorate. The proposal has been approved by the Competent Authority subject to the following conditions:
a) The number of posts to be redeployed to the proposed HO may be based on the justification of the posts based on workload & it may also be ensured by the circle that there is no disruption in work of the unit(s) from which diversion is proposed.
b) The expenditure involved in the process may be reduced to the minimum possible extent and may be met from the fund allotment to the Assam Circle. No additional fund shall be allotted to the circle in this regard.
c) The performance (financial & work load) of both the HPOs, i.e. Dhubri HPO and new Goalpara HPO shall be reviewed after one year.
3. In view of above, the Circle is requested to take further necessary action accordingly and furnish an Action Taken Report to this office. The review after completion of one year is a mandatory condition of IFW, therefore, the same be strictly adhered to.
4. This issues with the concurrence of Integrated Finance Wing vide their Dy. No.27/2023-24/FA-CS(P) dated 01.06.2023.
Yours faithfully,
(Tarun Mittal)
Assistant Director General (PE-I)
Tele: 011-2304 4822
Source: Department of Posts