Timelines for Service Delivery through e-HRMS 2.0 Portal: DOPT

Timelines for Service Delivery through e-HRMS 2.0 Portal: DOPT OM dated 26.02.2024
F.NO. 3/1/2024-e-HRMSv2.0
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pension
(Department of Personnel & Training)
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 26th February, 2024
Sub: Timelines for Service Delivery through e-HRMS 2.0 Portal-reg.
The undersigned is directed to state that the e-HRMS 2.0 portal facilitates seamless digital working environment and streamlines the disposal mechanism of various human resource services as expeditiously as possible. Any kind of applications with respect to leave, claims and reimbursements etc that are provided to the Government employees as per the applicable and extant rules/guidelines/instructions can now be disposed of through various modules of e-HRMS in an easy and transparent manner at the click of a button.
2. In order to make the said Portal more employee centric and as a Good Governance initiative, simplification of processes has been attempted in the HR Management System, wherever applicable. After various rounds of discussions and lot of deliberations, it has been decided to fix certain timelines for the simple processes for the ease and benefit of the employees.
3. In this connection, this is to inform all the Ministries/Departments/Organization (MDOs), that auto approvals and escalations to next level is being incorporated for specified timelines for the following services/modules provided through e-HRMS portal for effective implementation of e-HRMS 2.0:
i) Leave Module;
ii) Reimbursement & Allowances;
iii) Advances and LTC module.
The attached Annexures I, II,III are enumerative and descriptive for the reference and understanding of all.
4. This issues with the approval of Secretary (P).
(Oruganti Phani)
Under Secretary to the Goyérnment of India
Tel: 23040379
All MDOs on-boarded onto e-HRMS 2.0
(Through e-HRMS Portal and DOPT’s website)
Annexure – I
I. Timelines with regard to leaves due and admissible and Study Leave
A. Where Admin is not involved in approval channel
S. N. | Type of Leave | No. of Days (leave) | Proposed timelines for decision at R.O./C.O. level | Total Time | e-HRMS Division’s Remark Existing rules | |
RO | CO | |||||
1. | Casual Leave | ≤3 | 3 | — | 3 working days (Auto- approval) | Reason: It should not normally be granted for more than 5 days at a time. This is not any regular kind of leave. The absence in this category may be either anticipated or not anticipated. Considering the nature of CL, Suitable provision for auto-approval/forward may be inserted on the e-HRMS |
>3 and <=5 | 3 | 3 | 6 working days (Auto-forwarding & Auto approval) | Implementation:Â If the employee requests Casual Leave up to 3 days, then the Reporting Officer should take appropriate decision on the request within 3 working days otherwise the leave request shall be deemed approved.
Further, if the period of casual leave exceeds 3 days (upto 5 days), the request would be automatically forwarded to the CO if no decision is taken at RO level for 3 working days. The Controlling Officer needs to take a decision on the request within next 03 working days otherwise the leave request shall be deemed approved. |
2. | EL | ≤5 | 3 | 3 | 6 working days (Auto- forwarding & auto- approval) | Maximum Accumulation of EL: 300+15.
Reason: If the employee requests for EL for a short period of 5 days (excluding prefix/suffix of holidays), a decision on the same in a maximum of 6 working days would be fair. Hence, auto-forward after 3 working days at RO level and deemed approval after 3 working days at CO level is recommended. If the employee requests EL for more than 05 days, it affects the office work for a longer period. As per the existing guidelines, the maximum EL grant limit is 180 days at a time. Therefore. Automatic approval is not convenient in this situation. However, auto forward facility may be included at the RO level to avoid delay in taking decisions in this regard. implementation: If the employee requests EL for a shorter period I.e. up to 05 days, an appropriate decision (approve / disapprove / forward) on the request can be taken by the concerned R.O./C.O. in a time bound manner. The request shall be auto forwarded to C.O. if no decision is taken at R.O. level for 3 working days. Further, if no decision is taken at C.O. level, then it shall be deemed approved and balance updated. If the period of EL exceeds 05 days, the RO has to take appropriate decision on the request within 03 working days of receipt of the request otherwise the request should be automatically forwarded to the CO. The Controlling Officer has to take a decision on the request within next 03 working days otherwise it will be part of the pendency report. |
5+ | 3 | 3 | 6 working days (Auto- forwarding only) | |||
3. | HPL (Only in case of private affairs) | ≤5 | 3 | 3 | 6 working days | Rule: may be granted on medical certificate or on private affairs.
Reason:Â as mentioned for EL. Implementation:Â same as days EL |
5+ | 3 | 3 | 6 working |
B. Where Admin is involved in approval channel:
S. N. | Type of Leave | No. of Days (leave) | Proposed timelines for decision at R.O./C.O. /Admin level | Total time | e-HRMS Division’s Remark Existing rules | ||
RO | CO | Admin | |||||
4. | Commuted Leave (on Medical Certificate) | — | 3 | 3 | 9 | 15 | Rule: not exceeding half the amount of half pay leave due may be granted. When commuted leave is granted, twice the amount of such leave shall be debited against the half pay leave due.
Reason:Â The Commuted Leaves are granted on production of Medical Certificate. Admin Division check and verify that the Medical Certificate and other documents attached for this purpose are in line with existing guidelines. Further, the request for commuted leave is submitted after the employee returns from leaves taken for medical reasons. Therefore, decision can be taken on requests for Commuted leaves in a time bound manner. Timelines for each level involve in the approval channel may be inserted for this purpose. Implementation:Â An appropriate decision should be taken within 03 days of receipt of the request by the R.O. otherwise the request should be automatically forwarded to the CO. The CO has to take a decision on the request within next 03 days otherwise it should be automatically forwarded to Admin. No auto-approval. |
5. | Commuted leave (for an approved course of study) | — | 3 | 3 | 9 | 15 | Rule: a maximum of 180 days
Reason: The Commuted Leaves are granted for an approved course of study certified to be in the public interest by the leave sanctioning authority. Admin Division has to check and verify the details in this regard. Implementation:Â as mentioned for Commuted leave on Med. Certificate at point 04 above. |
6. | Leave not due (on medical certificate) | — | 3 | 3 | 9 | 15 | Rule: Leave Not Due shall be limited to the half pay leave he is likely to earn thereafter. Leave Not Due shall be debited against the half pay leave the Government servant may not earn subsequently. Reason: same as mentioned against Commuted Leave (on Medical Certificate). Implementation: same as mentioned against Commuted Leave (on Medical Certificate). |
7 | EOL (only in (case of prior approval) | — | 3 | 3 | 15 | 21 | Rule: EOL Granted in special circumstances.
Reason: EOL are granted when no other leave is admissible or Govt. Servant applies in writing for grant of EOL. Sometimes EOL are also granted to regularize the service period of employee from back date. In case of prior approval, appropriate decision can be taken by the concerned RO/CO/Admin in a time bound manner, therefore, timeline for EOL may be framed. implementation: An appropriate decision should be taken within 03 days of receipt of the request by the RO. Otherwise the request should — be automatically forwarded to the CO. The CO has to take a decision on the request within next 03 days otherwise it should be automatically forwarded to Admin. No auto-approval. |
8. | Study Leave | — | 3 | 3 | 15 | 21 | Reason: Study Leaves are forwarded to Admin Division through R.O. and C.O.
Admin Division has to check and verify the relevant details. Aamin Division also obtains IFD’s concurrence, Administrative approval of Competent authority, Cadre Clearance for this purpose. Implementation: An appropriate decision should be taken within 03 days of receipt of the request by the R.O. otherwise the request should be automatically forwarded to the CO. The CO has to take a decision on the request within next 03 days, otherwise it should be automatically forwarded to Admin. No auto approval. |
Annexure -II
II. Timelines for Reimbursement/Allowance: –
S No | Module | Proposed timelines for decision | e-HRMS Division’s Remark | |||
L-1 | L-2 | Approval + Sanction Order | Total time | |||
1. | Newspaper | 3 | 3 | 3 | 9 | Reason:Â The practice of getting of monthly reimbursement of Newspaper on production of Newspaper bills has been abolished. A certificate to the effect that expenditure has been incurred on newspaper shall be provided by the officers on half yearly basis (Jan to June or July to Dec.) to the office for reimbursement. It appears that an appropriate decision on the newspaper reimbursement request may be taken in a time bound manner. Therefore, a time limit should be set for this purpose.
Implementation:Â An appropriate action should be taken within 03 days of receipt of the request by the Dealing hand (L1). The request should be processed till issue of sanction order within 9 days of its receipt otherwise it will be part of the pendency report. |
2. | Telephone | 3 | 3 | 3 | 9 | Reason: The amount shall be reimbursed on submission of bills‘ receipt by the concerned officer (as per entitlement). It appears that the request may be settled in a time bound manner.
Implementation: Same as mentioned for Newspaper Reimbursement. |
3. | CEA | 5 | 3 | 3 | 11 | The amount of CEA is fixed. Govt. Servant should produce a certificate for this purpose. The request may be disposed of in a time bound manner.
Implementation: An appropriate action should be taken within 05 days of receipt of the request by the Dealing hand (L1). The request should be processed till issue of sanction order within 11 days of its receipt otherwise it will be part of the pendency report. |
4. | Medical | 5 | 3 | 3 | 11 | Reason:Â The request for Medical Reimbursement may be settled in a time bound manner. Therefore. timeline for this purpose may be framed.
Implementation:Â Same as in CEA |
Annexure- III
III. Timelines for Advances and LTC Module –
A. LTC Module-
The system allows LTC request only if leave(s) for LTC has been sanctioned before submitting the LTC request.
S. N | Module | Proposed timelines for decision | Total Time | DOPT’s Remark | ||
L-1 | L-2 | Approval + Issue of Sanction Order | ||||
1. | Leave Encashment | 4 | 2 | 2 | 8 | A Government servant may be permitted to encash earned leave up to ten days at the time of availing of LTC.
Implementation: An appropriate action should be taken within 04 days of receipt of the request by the Dealing hand/L-1. The request should be processed till issue of sanction order within 8 days of receipt of the request otherwise it will be part of the pendency report. |
2. | LTC request (with or without Advance) | 4 | 2 | 2 | 8 | Implementation:
Same as Leave Encashment |
3. | LTC Claim | 4 | 2 | 2 | 8 | Implementation:
Same as Leave Encashment |
B. Advances
S. N | Module | Proposed timelines for decision | Total Time | DOPT’s Remark | ||
L-1 | L-2 | Approval and Issue of Sanction Order | ||||
1. | Computer Advance | 5 | 3 | 3 | 11 | Implementation:
An appropriate action should be taken within 05 days of receipt of the request by the Dealing hand (L-1). The request should be processed till issue of sanction order within 11 days of receipt of the request otherwise it will be part of the pendency report. |
2. | HBA | 5 | 3 | 3 | 11 | Implementation:
As in Point 1. |
Source: DOPT