Seeking feedback from Stakeholders on Draft Manual for Procurement of Non-consultancy Services-2024

Seeking feedback from Stakeholders on Draft Manual for Procurement of Non-consultancy Services-2024: Department of Expenditure OM dated 22.02.2024
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Procurement Policy Division
502, LokNayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi.
Subject: – Seeking feedback from Stakeholders on Draft Manual for Procurement of Non-consultancy Services-2024- reg.
Manual for Procurement of Consultancy and Other Services was published in 2017 and was updated in 2022. Considering that procurement of Non Consultancy Services is becoming significant and detailed guidelines in this regard are need of the hour, this Department has developed a separate Manual specifically for Procurement of NCS instead of a. small chapter on NCS in the Manual for Procurement of Consultancy Services. The developed Manual incorporates various new guidelines and to add more clarity with respect to Procurement of NCS.
2. Feedback is solicited from all stakeholders including Ministries/ Departments, attached/subordinate offices, Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUs), Industry and Individuals/ Public etc, for thisManual, only in the format (word file) placed at Annexure-I.
3. The feedback may be sent at emails sanjay.aggarwal68[at] and girish.bhatnagar[at] and to undersigned by 31.03.2024. The copy of this OM is also available on the website of Department of Expenditure.
(Anil Kumar)
Deputy Secretary (Procurement Policy)
Tel. No. 24627920
Email: anil.kumar14[at]
Draft Manual for Non-Consultancy Services.docx
Draft Manual for Non-Consultancy Services PDF.pdf
Source: Department of Expenditure