Relaxation for procurement of 364 Medical Devices and 85 Drugs till 31.03.2024 through Global Tender Enquiry (GTE)

Relaxation for procurement of 364 Medical Devices and 85 Drugs till 31.03.2024 through Global Tender Enquiry (GTE): FinMin OM dated 19.12.2023
No.F.4/1/2023-PPD (I)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Procurement Policy Division
515, Lok Nayak Bhavan, Khan Market,
New Delhi, 19.12.2023
Subject :- Relaxation for procurement of certain items through Global Tender Enquiry (GTE) -reg.
Attention is invited towards this Department OM No. 4/1/2023-PPD dated 03.04.2023 vide which, on the recommendation of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (MoH&FW), 364 medical devices and 70 drugs have been exempted from the instructions issued by this department vide OMs No. F.12/17/2019-PPD dated 15.05.2020 & 28.05.2020 regarding GTEs till 31.03.2024.
2. In above context, MoH&FW (efile No. 102-1/2023-24/CGHS/MSD) has now requested to exempt 15 more drugs from the instructions issued by this department vide OMs No. F.12/17/2019-PPD dated 15.05.2020 & 28.05.2020 regarding GTEs. As requested by MoH&FW, exemptions will now be available for 364 Medical Devices (Annexure-A) and 85 Drugs (Annexure-B) till 31.03.2024.
3. This issues with the approval of Finance Secretary.
Encls: As above.
(Sher Bahadur)
Under Secretary (Procurement Policy)
All the Secretaries and Financial Advisors to Government of India.
Copy to:
Secretary (Coordination), Cabinet Secretariat, Rashtrapati Bhawan, New Delhi.
Source: Department of Expenditure