Promotion of officials working on deputation in Directorate, RAKNPA, PTCs, etc – DOP

Promotion of officials working on deputation in Directorate, RAKNPA, PTCs, etc – Department of Posts Order dated 08.06.2021
File No: X-07/5/2021-SPN-II-DOP
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Personnel Division)
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi — 110 001
June 08, 2021
1) All Chief Postmaster General
2) All Postmaster General
3) Chief General Manager, Business Development/Parcel/PLI Dte/CEPT
4) Director RAKNPA / Director, All Postal Training Centres
Subject: Promotion of officials working on deputation in Directorate, RAKNPA, PTCs, etc.
I am directed to refer to above mentioned subject and to say that the issues related to promotion of Inspector Posts working on deputation against cadre posts has been examined and the following has been decided with approval of the competent authority:-
- If Inspectors Posts (IPs) of a Circle concerned are on deputation outside the Circle to Postal Directorate/ CEPT/PTCs/RAKNPA, etc. against sanctioned posts and if they are considered fit for promotion to the cadre of ASP by the Circle DPC, then an extended panel of eligible officials for promotion to the grade of ASP shall be drawn by the Circle DPC equal to the number of such IPs on deputation outside the Circle.
- Based on the recommendations of DPC for promotion of Inspector Posts to the grade of ASP. the Circle concerned will issue promotion as well as posting orders in case of all such IPs on deputation outside the Circle.
- In no circumstances Circle(s) will issue pro-forma promotion orders to such IPs at this stage. Circle will. intimate Personnel Division of Dte/CEPT/RAKNPA/PTCs etc immediately of such promotion and posting orders for further action.
- CGM CEPT, Director RAKNPA or CPMG/PMG exercising administrative control of PTC in consultation with Director PTC. or Personnel Division of Postal Dte. in consultation with Head of Division of Dte concerned , as the case may be, where such an IP(s) is/are working, will take further action as follows:-
- If the IP is willing to be repatriated to the Circle to avail promotion, then he /she shall be relieved to join promotional post.
- If IP makes a request for retention in Directorate/CEPT/ RAKNPA/PTC etc. and if the administration is agreeable to his/her request , following action will be taken:
- IP shall be promoted and posted against a vacant post available at the H Qs/CEPT/RAKNPA/PTC etc. within one month of issue of his/her promotion order by the Circle. Copy of orders will be endorsed to the Circle concerned.
- In case of PTCs etc. where ASPs are selected for posting through a Selection Committee, such [Ps shall be posted against vacant. ASP post(s) provided the prescribed Selection Committee finds him/her suitable for the same. These orders should be issued within one month of issue of IPs concerned promotion order by the Circle.
- However, if no post of ASP in available for appointment of the IP on promotion as above, the IP shall be given proforma promotion w.e.f. the date junior to the IP concerned assumes charge as ASP in the Circle. If the IP happens to be the junior most in the list of promoted IPs, proforma promotion will be given to him/her w.e.f. the date his/her immediate senior in the list of promoted officials assumed charge of the promoted post. These orders shall be issued within one month of issue of his/her promotion order by the Circle.
- IP, given proforma promotion, shall get the pay and allowances etc. attached with the post of ASP. However he/she shall continue to be designated and work as Inspector Posts.
- Subsequently at a later stage, if a vacancy of ASP becomes available the official shall be posted against such vacant post of ASP.
- In cases when IPs on deputation outside the Circle are retained by the borrowing units on their promotion as mentioned above, ad-hoc promotion orders shall be issued by the Circle concerned in respect of IPs in the extended panel as soon as the posting/proforma promotion orders are issued by the borrowing Unit.
Yours faithfully,
(Satya Narayana Dash)
Director (SPN)