Procedure for remitting the interest earned on the unspent balance by Central Nodal Agency through Bharatkosh-PFMS: CGA

Procedure for remitting the interest earned on the unspent balance by Central Nodal Agency through Bharatkosh-PFMS: CGA OM dated 18.04.2023
File No. No I-30001/1/2023-ITD-CGA/22
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts
(PFMS Division)
GIFMIS Vertical
Dated: 18.04.2023
Subject: Procedure for remitting the interest earned on the unspent balance by Central Nodal Agency through Bharatkosh-PFMS.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject above and state that in pursuance of the OM No. 1(18)/PFMS/FCD/2021 dated 09-03-2022 issued by Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, the functionality for remitting the interest by Central Nodal Agencies to Consolidated Fund of India (CFI) has been developed, tested and deployed on live server. As stipulated under para 3(viii) of the referred OM, the Standard Operating Procedure indicating the tasks to be performed by concerned stakeholders for depositing the interest through Bharatkosh is enclosed for reference.
A Standard Operating Procedure (SoP) as a user guide for the users has been compiled and the same is enclosed. It is kindly requested to arrange the circulation of necessary instructions, and the SoP among all agencies (CNAs) for the implementation of the said functionality.
For any clarification/query on payment-related issues, Bharatkosh helpdesk (phone no 24665534, email: ntrp-helpdesk[at] may be contacted This is issued with the approval of the Competent Authority.
(B Gopala Krishnakanth Raju)
Assistant Controller General of Accounts
Enclosure: As above
1. Financial Advisors of all Ministries/Departments
2. All Pr. CCAs/CCAs/CAs with independent charge
Copy to:
1. PPS to Controller General of Accounts, O/o CGA
2. PPS to Additional Secretary (PFS), DoE, MoF
3. Joint CGA (Roll out), PFMS with a request to circulate the user manual to all stakeholders.
4. Dy CGA (Roll out), PFMS
5. Sr AO (GIFMIS) for uploading on CGA’s website
Source: CGA