Pay Scales recommended for Central Public Sector Enterprise Employees – 3rd pay revision committee report

CPSE Pay Scales Recommended by 3rd Pay Revision Committee
Third Pay Revision Committee report.
1. The Committee recommends to continue with the existing levels & numbers of pay-scales linked to the Schedule classification of the CPSEs without any change. Thus, the CPSEs shall be operating the pay-scales model with starting point and end point.
2. Pay-scales have been formulated with reasonability and due consideration of existing pay-scales, full DA neutralization, recommended fitment benefit, span of pay-scales, flow of pay-scales across levels & across CPSEs schedules, etc.
3. The revised pay-scales for the Board-level and Below Board level executives for each of the schedule of the CPSE i.e. Schedule-A, Schedule-B, Schedule-C & Schedule-D, effective from 1.1.2017, is placed at the Table 3.1, Table 3.2, Table 3.3 & Table 3.4 respectively.
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