Pay Protection for CPSE Employees recommended by 3rd Pay Revision Committee Report

CPSE – Pay Protection Recommended by 3rd Pay Revision Committee
Acknowledging that a principled norm of pay-protection would be in order to be followed in cases of promotion from one level to next level, or upon selection of a CPSE executive to a Board level position, if the pay computed for fixation in the next level does not fit within the pay-scale of the Grade in which the incumbent is placed, then the same is to be regulated as below:-
i. In case the pay computed for fixation (i.e. sum of Basic pay plus one notional increment plus Stagnation amount, if any) is less than the minimum of the pay-scale of the Grade then the pay of the incumbent shall be fixed at the minimum pay of the said Grade;
ii. In case the pay computed for fixation (i.e. sum of Basic pay plus notional increment plus Stagnation amount, if any) exceeds the maximum of payscale of the Grade then the pay of the incumbent shall be fixed at the maximum of pay-scale; and the excess pay beyond the maximum of payscale shall be allowed as the ‘Special Pay’.