Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2022: CVC Circular

Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2022 – 3 months campaign for Property, Asset, Record & Complaint management: CVC Circular dated 25.07.2022
Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex,
Bluck A, INA, New Delhi-10023
No. 022/VGL/029
Dated: 25.07.2022
Circular No. 14/07/22
Subject: Observance of Vigilance Awareness Week, 2022
Preventive Vigilance measures cum housekeeping activities: 3 months campaign (16th August, 2022 to 15th November, 2022) – as a precursor to VAW 2022
The Commission is of the firm belief that the fight against corruption requires the active involvement of all stakeholders. One of the means towards achieving this end is through outreach measures that encourage the participation of all the citizens of the nation. The observance of Vigilance Awareness Week every year remains pivotal in promoting integrity by raising awareness regarding the importance of reiterating the commitment against corruption. The Commission has decided that this year’s Vigilance Awareness Week would be observed in the week starting from 31st October 2022, being the birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. Detailed guidelines in this regard would be issued in due course.
2. It has been seen that there is a need to focus on Preventive Vigilance measures on a continuous basis throughout the year. Hence, as a precursor to Vigilance Awareness Week 2022, the Commission has desired that the following Preventive Vigilance cum internal housekeeping activities be taken up as focus areas by all the Ministries / Departments / Organizations:
a) Property Management;
b) Management of Assets:
c) Record Management;
d) Technological Initiatives comprising two parameters:
– Website Maintenance & updation;
– Identification of new areas for service delivery tor customers/staff to be brought on online portal and initiation of steps for creating online platform:
e) Updation of guidelines / circulars / manuals wherever found necessary, and
f) Disposal of complaints outstanding as of 15/08/2022.
Brief description of the above 06 parameters are given in Annexure A to this letter.
3. As a 3-month’s campaign, the exercise on above parameters will start from 16th August 2022 till 15th November, 2022. Report regarding the works undertaken on each of these parameters during this period should be submitted by 9th December,2022 (Friday) as per format available at Annexures B(1) to B(6). All Ministries/Departments/ Organizations are requested to ensure active participation by all concerned in this campaign to achieve significant outcomes.
4. Further instructions, regarding the theme to be adopted and the activities to be undertaken during Vigilance Awareness Week 2022, will follow.
5. The details of above 3 months campaign on Preventive Vigilance cum housekeeping activities be conveyed to all departments / offices/ units of the organization latest by 5th August, 2022 (Friday) positively for its effective implementation. Suitable mechanism to monitor the progress be also put in place.
(P. Daniel)
Encl: As stated.
Source: CVC