NVS: Launch of Grievance Portal as a part of ShalaDarpan project to address grievance of employees

NVS: Launch of Grievance Portal as a part of ShalaDarpan project to address grievance of employees through unified single window system
(An Autonomous Organization under Ministry of HRD)
Department of School Education and Literacy),
Government of India
B-15, Institutional Area, Sector-62,
Noida, District GautamBudh Nagar,
Uttar Pradesh — 201 309
No.F.2-1/2022(ATD)-NVS(Estt.II)/Gen/ 6952
February 28, 2022
The Deputy Commissioner,
Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti,
All Regional Offices.
Subject: Information regarding “Grievance Portal” and its use by stake-holders — reg.
This is for information to all employees of NVS that online “Grievance Portal” has already been launched as a part of ShalaDarpan project so as to address the grievance of employee through unified single window system. It is being observed that despite keeping the grievance portal live, the employees are submitting their grievance through various modes and at various platforms. Therefore, all the employees are, hereby, informed to use “Grievance Portal” to submit their grievance through online mode using the designated portal.
The Deputy Commissioner of the concerned regional is requested to inform employees for mandatory use of this portal for submission of grievance. Further, the DC, all ROs Should designate an Assistant Commissioner to supervise / monitor online grievances as per schedule and guidelines.
This issues with approval of the competent authority.
Yours faithfully,
[Vikram Joshi]
Deputy Commissioner [Pers.]
Copy to:
- The PA to Commissioner, NVS for information please.
- The PA to Joint Commissioner (Pers.), NVS for information please.
- The AC (IT), NVS HQ for uploading the same on NVS Website, please.