NFPE Request to consider waiver of recovery from the ex gratia of GDS

NFPE Request Department of Posts to consider waiver of recovery from the ex gratia of Gramin Dak Sevaks: NFPE Letter No. PF/NFPE/GDS/Waiver of Recovery/2020 dated 07.09.2020
1st Floor North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001
No. PF/NFPE/GDS/Waiver of Recovery/2020
Dated — 07.09.2020
The Director General
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi — 110001
Sub:- Request to consider waiver of recovery from the ex gratia of Gramin Dak Sevaks – reg.
Ref:- DoPT OM No. 30/18/2018-P & PW(A) dated 14-08-2020.
This is regarding recovery against ex gratia from as many as Gramin Dak Sevaks as being excess / wrongly paid emoluments in Gudur Division (Nellore District), Vijayawada Region, A.P Circle. In this connection I would like to bring to your kind notice, the DoPT OM under reference, waiver of recovery of such wrongly / excess paid emoluments from the retirement benefits.
Here in case of GDSMCs & GDSDAs, the wrongly paid emoluments is stated to be due to the calculation of work load from foot beat to cycle beat, that eventually ensured fall in work hours and its consequence emoluments were reductioned. The Directorate orders for pay protection for GDS cadre was not applied in their cases. Despite this, as a bolt from the blue by the belated process of change over to cycle beat norms, it evoked retrospective effect, the transfer of incumbents, Supdt. of Post Offices and interception by CAT in some individuals, the difference of emoluments in between foot beat and cycle beat. Finally the wrongly / excess paid emoluments are being recovered from the ex gratia in one lumpsum.
Hence it is requesting our Hon’ble Director General, Department of Posts, kindly cause to issue suitable instructions to process the issue with the concerning Authorities and save the poor retiring GDS officials without any recovery from their retirement benefits.
An early and positive action is highly solicited.
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
(R. N. Parashar)
Secretary General
The list of such cases are annexed here:
(i) Amount already recovered cases
(ii) Proposed to be recovered cases