Minutes of the 62nd Meeting of the Standing Committee of National Council (JCM) held on 20.09.2023 under the Chairpersonship of Secretary (P): DOPT

Minutes of the 62nd Meeting of the Standing Committee of National Council (JCM) held on 20.09.2023 under the Chairpersonship of Secretary (P): DOPT Order dated 19.10.2023
F. No. 3/2/2023-JCA
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions WY
(Department of Personnel & Training)
Establishment JCA Division
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 19th October, 2023
Shri Shiv Gopal Mishra,
Secretary, Staff-Side
National Council, JCM,
13-C, Ferozshah Road,
New Delhi-110001
Subject: Minutes of the 62nd Meeting of the Standing Committee of National Council (JCM) held on 20.09.2023 under the Chairpersonship of Secretary (P).
The undersigned is directed to refer ta DoPT’s OM of even number dated 10th October, 2023 forwarding therewith the minutes of the 62th meeting of the Standing Committee of National Council (JCM) held on 20.09.2023 and to Say that the following amendments to the Said minutes are made:-
Sl. No. | Para No. | Read For | Read As |
1) | 3(ii) | The Staff Side demanded to retain the status of Defence Civilian Employees as Central Government Employees/ Defence Civilian Employees in the newly created 7 DPSUs until their superannuation/ retirement. DDG, D/o Defence Production explained that they are in the process of finalizing service rules and conditions for DPSUs, and employees would have the option to opt them or remain in Government service. It was decided that Department of Defence will facilitate dialogue between management of DPSUs and service associations for defence civilian employees presently on deemed deputation. | The Staff Side demanded to retain the Status of Defence Civilian Employees as Central Government Employees/ Defence Civilian Employees in the newly created 7 DPSUs until their Superannuation/ retirement. DDG, D/o Defence Production explained that they are in the process of finalizing service rules and conditions for DPSUs, and employees would have the option to opt them or remain in Government service. It was facilitate dialogue between management of DPSUs and service associations for defence civilian employees Presently on deemed deputation. The Defence Ministry may also hold regular meeting with the Staff Side to resolve the issues arising after corporatization of Ordinance Factory. |
2) | 3(x) | The Staff Side demanded for extending the benefit of an option to switch over to the 7th CPC Pay Scale and extending revised options for those given entry pay benefit on promotion in the 6th CPC pay scales to switch over to 6th CPC pay scale w.e.f. 1.1.2006. Special Secretary, Department of Expenditure, stated that the demand for another option to Switch over to the 7th CPC Pay Scale cannot be agreed to in view of options already granted in the past. As for the demand for extending revised options for those given entry pay benefit on promotion, she stated that cases as such are being considered on case to case basis. | The Staff Side demanded for extending the benefit of an option to switch over to the 7th CPC Pay Scale and extending revised options for those given entry pay benefit on promotion in the 6th CPC pay scales to switch over to 6th CPC pay scale wef. 1.1.2006. Special Secretary, Department of Expenditure, stated that the demand for another option to switch over for the 7th CPC Pay Scale cannot be agreed to in view of options already granted in the past. As for the demand for extending revised options for those given entry pay benefit on promotion, she stated that cases as such are being considered on case to case basis.
The Staff Side requested to reconsider the proposal for option to switch over to the 7th CPC Pay Scale at least for a period of one year i.e. 25.07.2017. |
3) | 3(xii) | The Staff Side demanded DoPT to issue a clarification that service associations under CCS (RSA) Rule 1993 are out of the purview of Rule 15 (1) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964. It was decided that the matter will be examined by the Department of Personnel & Training. | The Staff Side demanded DoPT to issue a clarification that service associations under CCS (RSA) Rule 1993 and Employees Cooperative Societies/ Banks which are covered under the Central Cooperative Societies Act and the respective State Governments Cooperative Societies Act are cut of the purview of Rule 15 (1) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964. It was decided that the matter will be examined by the Department of Personnel & Training. |
4) | Annexure-II | Key Points raised by Secretary (Staff Side). He raised the issue of withdrawal of 3rd MACP to certain category of Industrial Employees under M/o Defence. | 9. The 3rd MACP in Grade Pay Rs.4600/- granted to the Industrial Employees of Defence Ministry (Master Craftsman upto 31.12.2005) may not be withdrawn as it is based on various court Judgment. |
(Parveen Jargar)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
No. 3/2/2023-JCA
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Establishment (JCA) Section
North Block, New Delhi-110001
Dated 10th October, 2023
Shiva Gopal Mishra
Secretary, Staff-Side
National Council, JCM
13-C, Ferozshah Road,
New Delhi-110001
Subject: Minutes of the 62nd Meeting of Standing Committee of National Council (JCM), held on 20.09.2023 under the Chairpersonship of Secretary (P).
I am directed to enclose herewith a copy of the Minutes of the 62nd Meeting of Standing Committee of National Council (JCM), held on 20.09.2023 under the Chairpersonship of Secretary (P).
(Gandharv Kumar Sandilya )
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tel. 2309 4678
Copy to
1, General Secretary, AIRF, 4 State Entry Road, New Delhi.
2. General Secretary, NFIR, 3 Chelmsford Road, New Delhi
3, All the Members of the Standing Committee (JCM)
The 62nd Meeting of the Standing Committee of National Council (JCM) was held on 20th September, 2023 at 12.00 Noon at North Block, New Delhi, under the chairpersonship of Ms. Radha Chauhan, Secretary (Pers.), Department of Personnel and Training. List of participants is at Annexure I.
2. Additional Secretary (PP) welcomed the Chairperson, Leader (Staff Side), Secretary (Staff Side), Members of the Staff Side and representatives of Ministries and Departments. The Chairperson also welcomed the participants to the meeting. Thereafter Leader (Staff Side) and Secretary (Staff Side) also welcomed and addressed the Committee. The key points made by them during their welcome addresses are at Annexure -II.
3. The agenda items and decisions taken thereon are given below:-
(i) Item No. 11/SC/62/23(Department of Defence & Department of Health and Family Welfare)
The staff side demanded the extension of CGHS coverage to employees in industrial establishments under Western Naval Command in Mumbai, in addition to Naval Dockyard. Additional Secretary, M/o H&FW informed that Department of Defence has referred a proposal to the M/o H&FW for extending CGHS facilities to industrial employees of left over industrial establishments under Western command in Navy Mumbai. The scope of CGHS benefits extension was discussed. It was noted that there were issues relating to category of employees and area of scope that needed to be clarified. It was decided that further discussions will be held between the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and Department of Defence to clarify the issues.
(ii) Item No. 10/SC/62/23 (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)
On the demand to empanel Private Day Care Therapy Centres for Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy under CGHS across all CGHS covered cities/towns, Additional Secretary, M/o H&FW stated that 30 such centres have been empanelled in Delhi and extending this facility to other areas will be considered based on the performance and outcomes in Delhi.
(iii) Item No. 13/SC/62/23 (Department of Defence Production)
The Staff Side demanded to retain the status of Defence Civilian Employees as Central Government Employees/Defence Civilian Employees in the newly created / DPSUs until their superannuation/retirement. DDG, D/o Defence Production explained that they are in the process of finalizing service rules and conditions for DPSUs, and employees would have the option to opt them or remain in Government service. It was decided that Department of Defence will facilitate dialogue between management of DPSUs and service associations for defence civilian employees presently on deemed deputation.
(iv) Item No. 12/SC/62/23(Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs)
With regard to the demand to allow the booking of two rooms by an employee through the e-Sampada Portal in CPWD Guest Houses/Holiday Homes, Director, Directorate of Estates expressed difficulties due to limited number of CPWD Guest Houses/Holiday Homes and huge demand for them. It was suggested that the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs may explore the possibility of allowing booking of two rooms at locations with low room demand.
(v) Item No. 1/SC/62/23(D/o Revenue)
The Staff Side demanded for restoration of pay parity between Income Tax Inspectors and analogous posts in the Department of Revenue and Inspectors of CBI/ ACIO Gr.-I of IB. Director, Department of Revenue informed that they had examined the proposal and did not find it administratively feasible to recommend the proposal to DoE due to different classifications of inspectors within the department and potential cascading effects. After detailed discussion, it was decided that Department of Revenue will hold a meeting with stakeholders including CBDT, CBIC and Staff Association. It was also decided that DoPT will issue instructions to schedule Departmental Council meetings in various Ministries and Departments.
(vi) Item No. 4/SC/62/23(Department of Expenditure)
A demand was made by the Staff Side for the revision of limit of Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme from Rs 60,000 to Rs 6,00,000 under the GPF for Central Government Employees on the lines of limit in Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme under EFP scheme. The justification for demand was given by the Staff Side. Special Secretary, Department of Expenditure stated that in view of additional facts presented by the Staff Side, the matter will be reconsidered.
(vii) Item No. 5/SC/62/23(Department of Expenditure)
The Staff Side demanded for revision of ceiling limit of PLB and ad-hoc bonus for Central Government Employees. Special Secretary, Department of Expenditure stated that the Bonus to central government employees is at present Rs.7,000 which is aligned with the Payment of Bonus Act, 1969. The proposal will be considered whenever there is an increase in limit under the Act.
(viii) Item No. 6/SC/62/23 (Department of Expenditure)
In regard to the demand for restoration of festival advance to Central Government Employees, Special Secretary, Department of Expenditure stated that a proposal for restoration of festival advance is under consideration.
(ix) Item No. 7/SC/62/23(Department of Expenditure)
As for the demand for stepping up of pay for seniors promoted prior to 31.12.2015, who are receiving lesser pay than juniors promoted after 01.01.2016, Special Secretary, Department of Expenditure stated that the matter is under consideration.
(x) Item No. 8/SC/62/23 (Department of Expenditure)
The Staff Side demanded for extending the benefit of an option to switch over to the 7th CPC Pay Scale and extending revised options for those given entry pay benefit on promotion in the 6th CPC pay scales to switch over to 6th CPC pay scale w.r.t. 1.1.2006. Special Secretary, Department of Expenditure, stated that the demand for another option to switch over to the 7th CPC Pay Scale cannot be agreed to in view of options already granted in the past. As for the demand for extending revised options for those given entry pay benefit on promotion, she stated that cases as such are being considered on case to case basis.
The Staff Side demanded for extending the benefit of an option to switch over to the 7th CPC Pay Scale and extending revised options for those given entry pay benefit on promotion in the 6th CPC pay scales to switch over to 6th CPC pay scale wef. 1.1.2006. Special Secretary, Department of Expenditure, stated that the demand for another option to switch over for the 7th CPC Pay Scale cannot be agreed to in view of options already granted in the past. As for the demand for extending revised options for those given entry pay benefit on promotion, she stated that cases as such are being considered on case to case basis.
The Staff Side requested to reconsider the proposal for option to switch over to the 7th CPC Pay Scale at least for a period of one year i.e. 25.07.2017.
(xi) Item No. 2/SC/62/23(Department of Personnel & Training)
The Staff Side sought intervention against derecognition of service associations. They particularly mentioned the case of derecognition of two service associations in Postal Department. DG, Postal Services explained the facts of the case for their derecognition and mentioned that the matter is sub judice. The Staff Side also pointed out replacement of JCM with grievance redressal system in ISRO. It was decided that the matter will be taken up with Department of Space.
(xii) Item No. 3/SC/62/23(Department of Personnel and Training)
The Staff Side demanded DoPT to issue a clarification that service associations under CCS (RSA) Rule 1993 are out of the purview of Rule 15 (1) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964. It was decided that the matter will be examined by the Department of Personnel & Training. The Staff Side demanded DoPT to issue a clarification that service associations under CCS (RSA) Rule 1993 and Employees Cooperative Societies/ Banks which are covered under the Central Cooperative Societies Act and the respective State Governments Cooperative Societies Act are cut of the purview of Rule 15 (1) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964. It was decided that the matter will be examined by the Department of Personnel & Training.
(xiii) Item No. 9/SC/62/23 (Department of Personnel and Training)
With regard to the demand for a one-time relaxation for employees who availed LTC-80 to Andaman & Nicobar Island by purchasing air tickets from sources other than authorized ones, it was decided that the proposal will be reconsidered by Department of Personnel and Training. The Staff Side demanded DoPT to issue a clarification that service associations under CCS (RSA) Rule 1993 and Employees Cooperative Societies/ Banks which are covered under the Central Cooperative Societies Act and the respective State Governments Cooperative Societies Act are cut of the purview of Rule 15 (1) of the CCS (Conduct) Rules, 1964. It was decided that the matter will be examined by the Department of Personnel & Training.
Other Decisions:Â It was decided with the approval of the Chairperson that a separate meeting under the chairmanship of Additional Secretary (PP) will be held to discuss 13 agenda items carried over from the last meeting. Additionally, a meeting to discuss pending awards given by the Board of Arbitration will also be scheduled. Staff Side will share the dates for these meetings
The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to the Chair.
Annexure- 1
Chairmanship: Secretary (Personnel)
1. | Sh. Alok Sharma DG, Postal Services (D/o Posts) |
1. | Sh. M. Raghavaiah Leader, Staff Side |
2. | Ms. Annie George Matthew Special Secy, Department of Expenditure |
2. | Sh. Shiva Gopal Mishra Secretary, Staff Side |
3. | Ms. Roli Singh Addl. Secy. ( M/o MoHFW) |
3. | Dr. N. Kanniah |
4. | Sh. Manoj Kumar Dwivedi Addl. Secy (DoPT) |
4 | Sh. Guman Singh |
5. | Sh. S.N. Mathur Addl. Secy. DoPPW (Pension) |
5. | Sh. R. Srinivasan |
6. | Sh. Jagdeep Gupta DDG (D/o Posts) |
6. | Sh. Chsankara Rao |
7. | Sh. Akhilesh Kumar Mishra DDG ( D/o Defence Production) |
7. | Sh. J.R. Bhosale |
8. | Sh. Surendra Prasad Yadav JS, LS, DDP (D/o Defence Production) |
8. | Sh. C. Srikumar |
9. | Sh. Deepak Peter Gabriel Pr. Executive Director (M/o Railway) |
9. | Sh. Rupak Sarkar |
10. | Sh. Anil Bansal, Sr. Director (D/o P&PW) | 10. | Sh. Tapas Bose |
11. | Sh. Manoj Kumar Singh, Director(HQ) (Revenue) | ||
12. | Sh. N.K. Meena, Director (D/o AR & PG) | ||
13. | Sh. M.C. Sonowal, Director (Directorate of Estates, MoHUA) | ||
14. | Ms. Asha Chauhan, Director (M/o Ayush) | ||
15. | Sh. Pramod Kumar, Dir (D/o P&PW) | ||
16. | Sh. Ravinder Kumar, Director (D/o P&PW) | ||
17. | Sh. Murali Bhavaraju, Dir (Pay) (DoP&T) | ||
18. | Sh. Umesh Kumar Bhatia, Dir (PP) (DoP&T) | ||
19. | Sh. J. Ashok Kumar, Dir (AVD-CS) (DoP&T) | ||
20. | Sh. Ram Dutt, Dy. Secy. (DoP&T) | ||
21. | Cmde Saurabh Agarwal, Cmde. (Naval HQ/ DCP) | ||
22. | Lt. Cdr Kritika Sharma, Lt. Cdr (Naval HQ/ DCP) | ||
23. | Sh. Hem Chander, Jt. Dir (M/o Railway) | ||
24. | Sh. Umesh Kumar Agarwal, Deputy Secy. (D/o Expenditure) | ||
25. | Sh. Parveen Jargar, DS (DoP&T) | ||
26. | Sh. Gandharv Kumar Sandilya, Under Secretary (DoP&T) |
Annexure II
Key Points made by Leader (Staff Side) and Secretary (Staff Side)
Shri Raghavaih, Leader of Staff Side, extended welcome to the Chairperson and Members of the Standing Committee on behalf of the Staff Side. He emphasized the significance of the Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM) established as a platform for addressing various issues through formal meetings. He underscored their commitment to fostering a positive relationship with the Government and enhancing productivity within Central Government organizations.
Key Issues Raised by Shri Raghavaih:
- He urged to hold regular meetings of departmental councils as per the JCM scheme to efficiently resolve departmental issues and allow the National Council – JCM to focus on critical concerns.
- He drew attention to the pending Board of Arbitration Awards and suggested resolving these matters through negotiations on the table.
- He called for refund of frozen Dearness Allowance (DA) and Dearness Relief (DR) for the 18-month from January 2020 to June 2021 emphasizing the adverse impact on those who retired during this period.
- He advocated for the exemption of Kilometer Allowance provided to Loco Pilots and Assistant Loco Pilots in the Ministry of Railways from income tax on the lines of Travelling Allowance (TA).
- He requested to settle a reference made by the Ministry of Finance to DoP&T in the light of Supreme Court judgement that the promotions granted by the partial upgradation ‘s not to be counted for the purpose of MACP Scheme.
- He demanded to allow another option for pay-fixation to those employees who were promoted during 25/07/2016 to 24/10/2016 subsequent to Notification dated 25/07/2016 issued by Ministry of Finance regarding 7th CPC.Â
II. Key Points Raised by Secretary, Staff Side:
- The Secretary, Staff Side, called for the effective utilization of the Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM) scheme, emphasizing the importance of regular meetings for the National Council and Departmental Councils.
- He discussed the issue of recoveries from retirement benefits of retiring Government Servants. He urged to issue clear instructions to Ministries/ Departments to prevent such recoveries.
- He requested that the issue of Old Pension Scheme to Central Government Employees recruited after January 1, 2004, against vacancies prior to that date may be examined.
- He requested the grant of one more option for Central Government Employees to switch over to the 7th CPC from the date of promotion, MACP, or implementation, as a one-time measure.
- A request was made to issue ID Cards to the Staff Members for full tenure of the Staff Members instead of on yearly basis.
- He requested for settlement of awards of the Board of Arbitration through dialogue.
- He emphasised on payment of 18 months of DA/DR to Government Employees.
- He proposed for exempting Kilometer Allowance for income tax on the lines of Travelling Allowance.
He raised the issue of withdrawal of 3rd MACP in 4200 to certain category of Industrial Employees under M/o Defence. The 3rd MACP in Grade Pay Rs.4600/- granted to the Industrial Employees of Defence Ministry (Master Craftsman upto 31.12.2005) may not be withdrawn as it is based on various court Judgment.