Fixation of maximum price per dose for COVID-19 vaccination: MoH&FW

Fixation of maximum price per dose for COVID-19 vaccination: MoH&FW

Fixation of maximum price per dose for COVID-19 vaccination: MoH&FW OM F. No. 2079203/ 2021/Immunization dated 08.06.2021

F. No. 2079203/ 2021/Immunization
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare

Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Date: 8th June 2021.

Office Memorandum


Additional Chief Secretary/Principal Secretary/Secretary,
Public Health & Family Welfare,
All States/ UTs.

Subject: Fixation of maximum price per dose for COVID-19 vaccination – reg.

Dear Sir,

The Revised Guidelines for implementation of National COVID Vaccination Program, issued on 8th June 2021 (copy enclosed), provide that – “the price of vaccine doses for private hospitals would be declared by each vaccine manufacturer, and any subsequent changes would be notified in advance. The private hospitals may charge up to a maximum of Rupees 150 per dose as service charges. State Governments may monitor the price being so charged”.

In view of the above, based on the prices currently declared by the manufacturers for the three vaccines currently being administered under the National Vaccination Drive, following price caps are applicable –

S.No. Vaccine Price per dose as declared by manufacturer (Rs.) * GST @ 5% (Rs.) Maximum Service charge per dose inclusive of all taxes (Rs.) Maximum price that can be charged by the private CVCs (Rs.)
1 COVISHIELD 600 30 150 780
2 COVAXIN 1200 60 150 1410
3 SPUTNIK V 948 47.40 ~ 47 150 1145

*Price per dose declared by the manufacturer is the price at CVC, inclusive of all expenses.

It is informed that the Co-WIN is putting the required validations in place to ensure that the prices declared by various private COVID Vaccination Centers (CVCs) do not exceed the maximum price indicated above. The Co-WIN system will also reset the prices declared by private eves to the maximum value indicated above for respective vaccines, wherever the price declared by a CVC exceeds the maximum value. It may be noted that the maximum prices indicated above have been worked out on the basis of the prices per dose declared by the vaccine manufacturers and can be suitably modified in future in case any manufacturer declares changed prices.

As provided in the Revised Guidelines for implementation of National COVID Vaccination Program (dated 08/06/21), you are requested to regularly monitor the prices being charged by the private eves from the citizens. It is also requested that wherever instances of over-charging as compared to the price declared by the eve come to notice, appropriate strict action is taken against any such private CVCs. Suitable instructions may also be issued to all concerned in this regard.

(Vikas Sheel)
Additional Secretary

Copy to:-

  1. Dr. R. S. Sharma, Chairperson, Empowered Group on Vaccine Administration & C.E.O., N.H.A.
  2. PPS to Secretary, Health & Family Welfare, Government of India
  3. PPS to AS&MD, NHM, MoHFW
  4. PPS to AS(MA)
  5. Mission Director, National Health Mission – All States/UTs.

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