Instruction on Timely submission of Annual Immovable Property return by the members of Central Civil Service/Posts: CGDA

Instruction on Timely submission of Annual Immovable Property return by the members of Central Civil Service/Posts: CGDA

Instruction on Timely submission of Annual Immovable Property return by the members of Central Civil Service/Posts by 31st Jan 2024 through SPARROW: CGDA


No.AN/II/2605/Gen Corr/IPR

Date: 22/12/2023

The PCsDA /CsDA/PIFAโ€™s/ IFAs

Subject: Instruction on Timely submission of Annual Immovable Property by the members of Central Civil Service/Posts.

In this context please refer to this HQrs office Circular bearing No. AN/II/2605/Gen Corr/IPR dated 04.12.2023 and 06.12.2023 under which it has been requested that the SAOs/AD(OL) to Submit their IPR on SPARROW by 31: January of next year for the year ending 2023 and onward. Further, in this regard, please find enclosed DoP&T OM No. 11013/17/2023-PP-A.III dated 14.07.2023 which is self-explanatory for information please. The provisions laid down in ibid OM dated 14.07.2023 must be followed strictly.

Further, as mentioned in Para (3) of ibid DoP&T OM dated 14.07.2023, Vigilance clearance, for the purpose of (a) empanelment (b) any deputation for which clearance is necessary (C) appointments to sensitive posts and assignments to training programs (except mandatory), shall be denied to an officer, if he fails to submit his annual immovable Property return of the previous year by 31st January of the following year on โ€˜SPARROWโ€™.

The contents of the ibid circular may please be bought to the notice of all concerned for Strict compliance.

Encls: As stated.

(Pradeep Kumar)
Sr. Account Officer (AN)

Source: CGDA

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