Indian Railways to conduct only one exam for TC, CC and ECRC posts under 7th Pay Commission

7th Pay Commission: Good news for all Indian Railways Employees. The Indian Railway Board has taken a decision to merge three posts to one under the latest 7th Pay Commission recommendations. According to reports, the Indian Railways would conduct only one recruitment examination for the ticketing staff, (TC) Commercial Clerk (CC) and the Inquiry / Reservation Clerk (ECRC). These three posts will form one cadre. Earlier, the Railways had a separate recruitment process to engage candidates to these above-mentioned posts.
However, after the latest changes in the process, there will be only one recruitment process for all three posts. The Indian Railways has also released a notification on February 22, 2018, regarding the merger of the posts. Employees must note that, their present duties will not be altered in any way even after the posts comes under one umbrella description. However, it must be noted that the newly hired people in the Railways can be appointed in any of the following posts – TC, CC and ECRC.
Meanwhile, the Centre had made several changes under the 7th pay commission recommendations which are set to benefit a large section of the Central Government employees. Ahead of the Lok Sabha Elections, the government had announced a hike in the Dearness Allowances (DA) and Dearness Relief (DR) for all the employees and pensioners up to 3% on the current 9%.
Source: newsx