Higher Start of Pay for posts of graduate Junior Assistants, Typists and Record Clerks
Tamil Nadu Pay Grievances – Clarification for Higher  Start  of  Pay for  the  posts  of Graduate Junior Assistants/ Typists and Record Clerks orders issued
Finance  (CMPC)  Department,
Chennai  – 600 009.
Letter  No.2112/CMPC/2015 -1,  dated:05-03-2015
Thiru.T. Udhayachandran, I.A.S.,
Secretary  to Government.(Expenditure)
The Chief Civil  Surgeon  Medical  Officer,
Government  Peripheral  Hospital,
Tondiarpet,   Chennai-600  081.
Sub: Tamil    Nadu   Revised   Scales    of   Pay    Rules,     2009   – Recommendations of  the  Pay  Grievance   Redressal  Cell   – Dispensation   of  Higher  Start  of  Pay for  the  posts  of Graduate Junior Assistants/ Typists and Record Clerks orders issued – Request to clarify certain points about  the eligibility of Higher Start of pay for the post of Typist – Reg.
- G.O.Ms.No.321, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 2-07-1998.
- G.O.Ms.No.234, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 01-06-2009.
- G.0.Ms.No.241, Finance (Pay Cell) Department, dated: 22–07-2013.
- Your letter Ref.No.1255/TPH/2014, dated: 06-01-2015.
IÂ Â am to invite your attention to the references cited.
2.  In  your  letter  cited,  a clarification  has been  sought for  as to  whether graduate  Typist is eligible for higher start of pay as the individual  has joined duty before  01-04-2013  and  also  raised presumption  that  all the  graduate Junior Assistant/ Typist who have joined duty during the period  from 01-01-2006  to 31-03-2013 are eligible for higher start of pay.
3.  In  this  connection,  I am to state that in the Government Order third  cited, orders have been issued to dispense the higher start of pay granted to the Junior Assistants/ Typists  for  possessing  degree  qualification  with  effect  from 1-04-2013.      However,  in  cases where  higher  start  of  pay  has  already been granted between 1-04-2013  to 22-07-2013,  such cases need not be effected any recovery till the date of issue of the Government Order third cited, but the pay of the such individuals shall be re-fixed to the minimum of the Pay Band  (Pay+  Grade Pay) of the said posts and the excess pay sanctioned if any to  the individuals  from 23-07-2013  to till date shall be  recovered from the individual concerned. Further, I am  also  to  clarify  that  the  graduate  Typist  who  joined  duty  on  or  before 1-04-2013  and  not  sanctioned  higher  start  of  pay  till  the  date  of  issue  of Government Order third cited are also not entitled for the benefit of higher start of pay since the above concession has been dispensed with effect from 1-04-2013. Hence,  I  am to inform-that  your presumption is not correct and the objection raised by the Pay and Accounts Officer (North) is in order.
Yours faithfully,
for Secretary to Government (Expenditure)
Download Letter  No.2112/CMPC/2015 -1,  dated: 05-03-2015 issued by TN Finance Secretary
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