Forwarding Additional information in respect of Service Books held in the units in LACR/IRCR: PCDA

Forwarding Additional information in respect of Service Books held in the units in LACR/IRCR: PCDA

Forwarding Additional information in respect of Service Books held in the units in LACR/IRCR: PCDA Order No. IN/1067/DAD/Misc/21 dated 18.08.2021

PIN CODE-160009

No. – IN/1067/DAD/Misc/21



All LAOs under this jurisdiction

Subject: – Forwarding Additional information in respect of Service Books held in the units in LACR/IRCR.

Please refer Para 453 and 454 of ALAM Part I, which stipulates that 25% of the current services books of the civilian establishments serving with units and formations will normally be selected for test check within each period of approximately twelve months: if periodical visits are made, the percentage of check will be spread over the whole year. The service books of all individuals who are due to retire within three years following the date of audit will be included in the selection for test check within the percentage prescribed.

To monitor the progress in the audit of service books of civilian establishments, it has been decided at appropriate level that the progress of the same will be watched in Main Office. It is therefore advised to furnish the unit wise information in respect of Service Books held with the Units/Formations under the jurisdiction of the concerned LAOs in the given format below by 01.09.2021 along with a soft copy of the same.

Name of the civilian establishments Name of Designation at the time of joining Date of Birth Date of Joining Date of promotion/ getting 1st, 2nd, 3rd MACP after 01.01.2006 Date of superannuation Audited up to


The progress of the service books audited as per above Para of ALAM will be shown in Annexure ‘H’ in the same format alongwith LACR/IRCR in Annexure ‘H’ alongwith certificates as under to update the records held in this office accordingly. It is certified that:-

a) The service books of Individuals retiring within three years have been audited

b) The Part-II office order during posting of the month has been verified and no discrepancy has been found.


Copy to:-

  1. Officer I/C IT & S (Local) : for uploading on PCDA (WC) Website please.
    Dy.CDA (IA)


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